


 光标光标= myDbHelper.getDayInfo(新的SimpleDateFormat(YYYY-MM-DD)格式(myCalendar.getTime());

上面的一行在执行 10毫秒中的 2.1模拟器

 如果(光标= NULL&放大器;!&安培; cursor.moveToFirst())

此行历时约1.6秒。我做了这个小的搜索。 Somepeople说,使它在另一个线程或AsyncTask的,但是这会令code更为复杂。


这是很自然的,即moveToFirst()方法获取更多的时间,其他code。数据enquariyng实际发生,这将调用数据库通信,数据读出等。事实上,你不能用它做任何事情。这个建议是正确的 - 将所有长操作

i am trying to optimize my application. I noticed that cursor.movetofirst() method somehow slowing the performance of my code.

Cursor cursor = myDbHelper.getDayInfo(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(myCalendar.getTime());

above line executes in 10 ms in 2.1 emulator, and

if(cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) 

this line took about 1.6 seconds. I made little search about this. Somepeople say make it in another thread or in asynctask, but this will make the code more complicated.I 'm just trying to figure out what is actually happening to this cursor.Can anyone simplify or give a hint about database performance increase related to my question?


It is natural, that moveToFirst() method gets much more time that other code. The data enquariyng actually takes place, which invokes database communication, data reading and so on. You actually can't do anything with it. The advice was right - move all the long operations to AsyncTask.


10-12 03:36