I have a table name output
which contains the dimention like this:
cat values s1 s2 sub_cat 1 [1x2 double] 0.66584 3.1383 {2x1 cell}
cat values s1 s2 sub_cat 1 [1x2 double] 0.66584 3.1383 {2x1 cell}
值例如:cat values s1 s2 sub_cat
1 2.5 3.4 0.555 3.999 emozi-1 emozi-32 2.9 7.1 5.0 2 khazal-11 kha-9
values are such as:cat values s1 s2 sub_cat
1 2.5 3.4 0.555 3.999 emozi-1 emozi-32 2.9 7.1 5.0 2 khazal-11 kha-9
How can i re-arrange this table like this(remove vector to normal):
cat values s1 s2 sub-cat1 2.5 0.555 3.999 emozi-11 3.4 0.555 3.999 emozi-32 2.9 5.0 2 khazal-112 7.1 5.0 2 kha-9
cat values s1 s2 sub-cat1 2.5 0.555 3.999 emozi-11 3.4 0.555 3.999 emozi-32 2.9 5.0 2 khazal-112 7.1 5.0 2 kha-9
Can anyone help to do this in matlab?
我认为您需要的是表格 stack
I think what you're after is a table stack
operation. It's a bit tricky because I think you're trying to stack two table variables simultaneously (without getting all the combinations), so here's what I think you need:
%# Sample table data
t = table([1;2], [1, 2; 3, 4], [0.1; 0.2], {'a', 'b'; 'c', 'd'}, ...
'VariableNames', {'cat', 'values', 's1', 'sub_cat'});
%# Combine corresponding columns of 'values' and 'sub_cat' so
%# that we've got something we can stack
t2 = table(t.cat, [num2cell(t.values(:,1)), t.sub_cat(:,1)], ...
[num2cell(t.values(:,2)), t.sub_cat(:,2)], ...
t.s1, 'VariableNames', {'cat', 'vs1', 'vs2', 's1'});
%# Actually call 'stack'
t3 = stack(t2, {'vs1', 'vs2'});
%# Unpick the variables in 't3' into something more useful
t4 = table(t3.cat, t3.s1, cell2mat(t3.vs1_vs2(:,1)), ...
t3.vs1_vs2(:,2), 'VariableNames', ...
{'cat', 's1', 'values', 'sub_cat'})
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