本文介绍了$ geoNear(聚合管道)未返回正确的文档的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am not getting the correct results returned when using $geoNear in the aggregate pipeline. The same query using a typical find() query (using $near) does in fact return the right results.


BUT, when removing the equality condition (on schedule.key), both queries return the correct data.

        $geoNear: {
            spherical: true,
            near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 18.416145, -33.911973 ] },
            distanceField: "dist"
        $match: {
            "schedule.key": { "$eq": "vo4lRN_Az0uwOkgBzOERyw" }


$near find query:

        "point" : {
            $near: {
                type: "Point",
                coordinates: [ 18.416145,-33.911973 ]
        "schedule.key" : {
            $eq : "vo4lRN_Az0uwOkgBzOERyw"


A document in this collection looks something like this:

    "_id" : UUID("da6ccbb1-3c7a-45d7-bc36-a5e6007cd919"),
    "schedule" : {
        "_id" : UUID("587de5b7-a744-4b28-baa8-e6efb5f7f921"),
        "key" : "vo4lRN_Az0uwOkgBzOERyw"
    "point" : {
        "type" : "Point",
        "coordinates" : [
    "name" : "Cape Town"


I have created the appropriate index on the point field:

db.place.ensureIndex( { "point" : "2dsphere" } );


这根本不是相同"查询.使用单独的 $match 阶段有一个明显的不同,由于仅在之后"进行过滤",因此找到了最近的结果".这意味着您可能会返回较少"的结果,因为不会同时发布这些条件.

It's not the "same" query at all. There is a distinct difference in using a separate $match stage, since the "filtering" is only done "after" the "nearest resuts" are found. This means that you potentially return "less" results since the criteria is not issued in combination.

这就是为什么 $geoNear :

That's why there is a "query" option in $geoNear:

        $geoNear: {
            spherical: true,
            near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 18.416145, -33.911973 ] },
            distanceField: "dist",
            query: {
                "schedule.key": { "$eq": "vo4lRN_Az0uwOkgBzOERyw" }

现在是相同的查询.否则,如果您使用 $nearSphere ,那将是完全一样的.由于 $near 不考虑地球的曲率距离计算. $nearSphere $geoNear 这样.

Now that's the same query. Or it would be exactly the same if you used $nearSphere. Since $near does not account for the curvature of the earth in distance calcuations. $nearSphere and $geoNear does.


But the main point is combining with the "query" option, since that's the only way you truly get both criteria considered in the initial search.

这篇关于$ geoNear(聚合管道)未返回正确的文档的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-29 21:53