本文介绍了OpenCV 2.4 C ++中的倒角匹配的文档的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在寻找有关OpenCV 2.4 C ++中chamferMatching方法的文档. /OpenCV-2.4.0/samples/cpp/chamfer.cpp中提供的OpenCV实现仅使用前四个参数.总共可以设置14个参数,其中包括:

I'm looking for documentation on the chamferMatching method from the OpenCV 2.4 C++. The OpenCV implementation given in /OpenCV-2.4.0/samples/cpp/chamfer.cpp which only uses the first four parameters. There are a total of 14 parameters which can be set which include:


img (Cv::Mat)

templ (Cv::Mat)

results (Std::Vector::Std_Vector_Cv_Point)

cost (Std::Vector::Float)

templ_scale (Double) (defaults to: 1)

max_matches (Fixnum) (defaults to: 20)

min_match_distance (Double) (defaults to: 1.0)

pad_x (Fixnum) (defaults to: 3)

pad_y (Fixnum) (defaults to: 3)

scales (Fixnum) (defaults to: 5)

min_scale (Double) (defaults to: 0.6)

max_scale (Double) (defaults to: 1.6)

orientation_weight (Double) (defaults to: 0.5)

truncate (Double) (defaults to: 20)


If anyone can point me out to an example or documentation which explains each of these parameters it would be highly appreciated.



I spent many days looking for an answer to the same question of yours but I didn't find any. The best clarification I got so far is from the original paper of fast directional chamfer matching:

http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=5539837&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org %2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D5539837

http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~mingyliu /papers/liu_cvpr2010.pdf

img(Cv :: Mat)测试图像

img (Cv::Mat) The test image

模板(Cv :: Mat)包含要在测试图像中寻找形状的模板

templ (Cv::Mat) The template which contains the shape you are looking for in the test image

结果(Std :: Vector :: Std_Vector_Cv_Point)包含测试图像中匹配点的点向量

results (Std::Vector::Std_Vector_Cv_Point) points vector which contains the matched point in the test image

cost(Std :: Vector :: Float)每个结果的匹配费用的浮动向量

cost (Std::Vector::Float) floats vector of the match cost for each result


templ_scale (Double) (defaults to: 1) magnification of the template image. not that it is Reciprocal


max_matches (Fixnum) (defaults to: 20) how many results you want


min_match_distance (Double) (defaults to: 1.0) what is the (maximum) matching cost you allow


pad_x (Fixnum) (defaults to: 3) pad X, of the search window


pad_y (Fixnum) (defaults to: 3) pad Y, of the search window


scales (Fixnum) (defaults to: 5) how many scales you want to use for the template


min_scale (Double) (defaults to: 0.6) obvious


max_scale (Double) (defaults to: 1.6) obvious


orientation_weight (Double) (defaults to: 0.5) by what percentage you want the orientation of a pixel to contribute in the cost calculation, default is 50%


truncate (Double) (defaults to: 20) the threshold at which the distance will be truncated (using threshold()

这篇关于OpenCV 2.4 C ++中的倒角匹配的文档的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-14 23:55