

本文介绍了Javascript - 正则表达式找到多个括号匹配的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



So currently, my code works for inputs that contain one set of parentheses.

var re = /^.*\((.*\)).*$/;
var inPar = userIn.replace(re, '$1');

...意味着当用户输入化学式Cu(NO3)2时,警告inPar返回NO3 ),我想要的。

...meaning when the user enters the chemical formula Cu(NO3)2, alerting inPar returns NO3) , which I want.


However, if Cu(NO3)2(CO2)3 is the input, only CO2) is being returned.


I'm not too knowledgable in RegEx, so why is this happening, and is there a way I could put NO3) and CO2) into an array after they are found?



You want to use String.match instead of String.replace. You'll also want your regex to match multiple strings in parentheses, so you can't have ^ (start of string) and $ (end of string). And we can't be greedy when matching inside the parentheses, so we'll use .*?


Stepping through the changes, we get:

// Use Match
["Cu(NO3)2(CO2)3", "CO2)"]

// Lets stop including the ) in our match
["Cu(NO3)2(CO2)3", "CO2"]

// Instead of matching the entire string, lets search for just what we want
["(NO3)2(CO2)", "NO3)2(CO2"]

// Oops, we're being a bit too greedy, and capturing everything in a single match
["(NO3)", "NO3"]

// Looks like we're only searching for a single result. Lets add the Global flag
["(NO3)", "(CO2)"]

// Global captures the entire match, and ignore our capture groups, so lets remove them
["(NO3)", "(CO2)"]

// Now to remove the parentheses. We can use Array.prototype.map for that!
var elements = "Cu(NO3)2(CO2)3".match(/\(.*?\)/g);
elements = elements.map(function(match) { return match.slice(1, -1); })
["NO3", "CO2"]

// And if you want the closing parenthesis as Fabrício Matté mentioned
var elements = "Cu(NO3)2(CO2)3".match(/\(.*?\)/g);
elements = elements.map(function(match) { return match.substr(1); })
["NO3)", "CO2)"]

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08-12 11:10