








这里不涉及停机问题.您只需要计算 ^xy1\d[^\d]\d2$ 的交集是否为非空.

我不能在这里给你一个算法,但这里有两个关于不用构建 DFA 来生成交集的方法的讨论:

  • 而空的路口:

    ('xy1' 数字任意*) &('q' any* ^digit 数字 '2')


    因此,如果所有其他方法都失败,那么您仍然可以通过比较生成的点"文件,让 Ragel 计算交集并检查它是否输出空状态机.

    I want to find out if there could ever be conflicts between two known regular expressions, in order to allow the user to construct a list of mutually exclusive regular expressions.

    For example, we know that the regular expressions below are quite different but they both match xy50:


    Is it possible to determine, using a computer algorithm, if two regular expressions can have such a conflict? How?


    There's no halting problem involved here. All you need is to compute if the intersection of ^xy1\d and [^\d]\d2$ in non-empty.

    I can't give you an algorithm here, but here are two discussions of a method to generate the intersection without resorting the construction of a DFA:

    And then there's RAGEL

    which can compute the intersection of regular expressions too.

    UPDATE: I just tried out Ragel with OP's regexp. Ragel can generate a "dot" file for graphviz from the resulting state machine, which is terrific. The intersection of the OP's regexp looks like this in Ragel syntax:

    ('xy1' digit any*) & (any* ^digit digit '2')

    and has the following state machine:

    While the empty intersection:

    ('xy1' digit any*) & ('q' any* ^digit digit '2')

    looks like this:

    So if all else fails, then you can still have Ragel compute the intersection and check if it outputs the empty state machine, by comparing the generated "dot" file.


08-12 10:54