


In my table I have firstname and last name. Few names are upper case ( ABRAHAM ), few names are lower case (abraham), few names are character starting with ucword (Abraham).

因此,当我使用REGEXP'^ [abc]'执行where条件时,没有得到正确的记录.如何将名称更改为小写并使用SELECT QUERY.

So when i am doing the where condition using REGEXP '^[abc]', I am not getting proper records. How to change the names to lower case and use SELECT QUERY.

SELECT * FROM `test_tbl` WHERE cus_name REGEXP '^[abc]';


This is my query, works fine if the records are lower case, but my records are intermediate ,my all cus name are not lower case , all the names are like ucword.


So for this above query am not getting proper records display.


我认为您应该查询数据库,以确保名称被降低,假设该名称是您希望找出的名称,并且在应用程序中, ve像'abraham'一样降低了它,现在您的查询应该像这样:

I think you should query your database making sure that the names are lowered, suppose that name is the name you whish to find out, and in your application you've lowered it like 'abraham', now your query should be like this:

SELECT * FROM `test_tbl` WHERE LOWER(cus_name) = name


Since i dont know what language you use, I've just placed name, but make sure that this is lowered and you should retrieve Abraham, ABRAHAM or any variation of the name!



08-12 10:54