下面是一个情景:比方说,我有一个负责显示不同类型的内容,两个控制器的网站 - 网页和文章。我需要嵌入管窥到我的母版,将列出一些条件筛选的网页和文章,并在每一页上显示。我无法设置模型的母版我的(是吗?)。我如何使用解决这个任务Html.RenderPartial?
Here is a scenario: Let's say I have site with two controllers responsible for displaying different type of content - Pages and Articles. I need to embed Partial View into my masterpage that will list pages and articles filtered with some criteria, and be displayed on each page. I cannot set Model on my masterpage (am I right?). How do I solve this task using Html.RenderPartial?
Yes, I'd probably create separate partial views for listing articles and pages, but still, there is a barrier that I cannot and shouldn't set model on masterpage. I need somehow to say "here are the pages" as an argument to my renderpartial, and also for articles. Entire concept of renderpartial with data from database in masterpages is a bit blurry to me.
How about creating an HtmlHelper extension method that allows you to call a partial view result on the an action on the controller.
public static void RenderPartialAction<TController>(this HtmlHelper helper, Func<TController, PartialViewResult> actionToRender)
where TController : Controller, new()
var arg = new TController {ControllerContext = helper.ViewContext.Controller.ControllerContext};
you could then use this in your master page like
<% Html.RenderPartialAction((HomeController x) => x.RenderPartial()) %>
and in your controller the appropriate method
public PartialViewResult RenderPartial()
return PartialView("~/Path/or/View",_homeService.GetModel())
Well that is my 2 cents anyway