

本文介绍了< img>的基于JWT的身份验证标签?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


假设我有一个单页面应用程序,该应用程序使用JWT令牌针对后端REST api进行身份验证.当执行REST请求时,我将JWT令牌传输到http标头中.到目前为止,一切都很好.

Supposed I have a single page application that uses JWT tokens to authenticate against a backend REST api. I transfer the JWT token inside the http header when doing a REST request. So far, so good.


Now, supposed I want to download an image from the server, and I want the image only to be accessible for authenticated users. On the server, this is no problem: Simply define a route that delivers the image, and in that route verify the JWT token.

但是:如何将令牌从客户端转移到服务器?如果使用常规<img ...>标记,则无法将令牌附加为http标头.我该怎么办?

But: How do I transfer the token from the client to the server? If I use a regular <img ...> tag, I can not attach the token as an http header. What should I do?


I basically can think of adding the token, e.g. base64-encoded, to the query string, but that does not seem to be very secure, since the token then appears in the browser's history. On the other hand, I can not think of another approach, without loading images entirely using JavaScript.



如果我想到Amazon S3,则在这里想要一个签名的URL.正如您已经建议的,向查询字符串中添加标记是可以的.

If i think of Amazon S3 a signed url is what you want here. As you already suggested adding a token to the query string would be fine.


About security: I think this is a matter of the expiration date of the token. As there is no invalidation of the token maybe it is better to use signed URLs:

  1. 获取JWT
  2. 获取带有该令牌的签名URL
  3. 使用该URL检索img


This way you can control the expiration of the signed URL independent of the JWT and also define the length of the token used for the signed URL.

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08-12 09:56