I'm using google maps with clusters in iOS application developed in Swift. On google map there are some markers with the same latitude and longitude. When user zooms in to the point where are only two places in cluster and zooms a little bit more when markers are shown, these markers are glitched (flickering) and they overlay rapidly each other (one over another).
How can I accomplish when user zooms in, and there are only two markers in cluster with same address and location, to not split them out of cluster into markers, so that they stay clustered? Is there a way to get markers from (that are in) the cluster Thanks for your answers.
I had the same issue , to overcome flashing effect it had given very minor variation to similar values of latitude and longitude.
func checkIfMutlipleCoordinates(latitude : Float , longitude : Float) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D{
var lat = latitude
var lng = longitude
// arrFilterData is array of model which is giving lat long
let arrTemp = self.arrFilteredData.filter {
return (((latitude == $0.latitute) && (longitude == $0.longitute)))
// arrTemp giving array of objects with similar lat long
if arrTemp.count > 1{
// Core Logic giving minor variation to similar lat long
let variation = (randomFloat(min: 0.0, max: 2.0) - 0.5) / 1500
lat = lat + variation
lng = lng + variation
let finalPos = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: CLLocationDegrees(lat), longitude: CLLocationDegrees(lng))
return finalPos
func randomFloat(min: Float, max:Float) -> Float {
return (Float(arc4random()) / 0xFFFFFFFF) * (max - min) + min
每当您设置标记位置时,只需调用 checkIfMutlipleCoordinates
Simply call checkIfMutlipleCoordinates
whenever you set marker position
let position = checkIfMutlipleCoordinates(latitude: yourlatitute!, longitude: yourlongitute!)