

我正在尝试使用jQuery来检测div的位置( #olddiv ),所以我可以使用该位置放置另一个div( #newdiv )正好在它下面。 2个div的右边框对齐(右边框)。

I'm trying to use jQuery to detect the position of a div (#olddiv), so I can use that position to place another div (#newdiv) exactly below it. The right borders of the 2 divs are aligned (right border).

我正在尝试将 #olddiv 底部和正确的位置用作 #newdiv 顶部和右侧边框。我已经使用了这个代码,但是它不起作用。任何想法我做错了什么?

I'm trying to get the #olddiv bottom and right locations to use them as the #newdiv top and right borders. I've used this code, but it's not working. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

var right = $('#olddiv').position().right;
var top = $('#olddiv').position().bottom;
$('#newdiv').css('top', right);
$('#newdiv').css('right', top);

另外,我不知道如果位置是我需要的我认为这可以用位置 offset 完成,但我不确定:

Also, I'm not sure if position is what I need. I think this can be done with position or offset, but I'm not sure:





I've used offset() to position elements dynamically. Try this:

var offset = $('#olddiv').offset();
var height = $('#olddiv').height();
var width = $('#olddiv').width();
var top = offset.top + height + "px";
var right = offset.left + width + "px";

$('#ID').css( {
    'position': 'absolute',
    'right': right,
    'top': top

也不要忘记绑定到 window.onresize 事件,如果您需要它在用户调整窗口大小时缩放。

also don't forget to bind this to the window.onresize event if you need it to scale when the user resizes the window.

更新:另一个想法 - 绝对定位?为什么不在DOM中插入另一个div?

UPDATE: another thought - does this have to be positioned absolutely? Why not just insert the div after the other in the DOM?



then just make sure they are the same width.


08-20 21:47