本文介绍了Hyperledger Sawtooth如何处理无限/无限循环?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


关于Hyperledger Sawtooth如何处理由开发人员错误或由开发人员自愿创建的无限循环的问题,我找不到任何具体的东西(只有有关 IntKey 事务系列 Intkey工作负载命令以错误的URL无限循环运行.).

I could not find anything concrete about how Hyperledger Sawtooth handles the problem of infinite loops created by mistake or voluntarily by the developer (Only some issues regarding the IntKey transaction family Intkey workload command run in endless loop with wrong URL).

我确定在Hyperledger Fabric 上,链代码执行超时的概念可避免创建无限循环,但是Hyperledger Sawtooth 中使用哪种机制?

I am sure that on Hyperledger Fabric the concept of the timeout of chain code execution avoids the creation of infinite loops, but which mechanism is used in Hyperledger Sawtooth?



最好的方法是测试自定义事务处理器.编写事务处理器的一个常见错误是返回码. InternalError应该是暂时性错误(某些内部错误,例如内存不足"是暂时的),并且如果重试可能会成功.验证器使用TP重试事务,并导致循环.如果事务无效,则可能要引发InvalidTransaction错误.底线—会重试内部错误,并且不会重试无效的交易.

The best thing to do is to test your custom transaction processor. A common mistake in writing transaction processors is the return code. InternalError is supposed to be a transient error (some internal fault like 'out of memory' that is temporary), and may succeed if retried.The validator retries the transaction with the TP and results in a loop.If the transaction is invalid, you probably want to raise an InvalidTransaction error instead.Bottom line—internal errors are retried, and invalid transactions are not retried.

为使您的区块链更能抵抗故障交易处理器,我强烈建议以并行模式运行Validator.这样一来,如果在事务处理器中遇到一些错误,就可以处理其他事务.要以并行处理模式运行,请使用sawtooth-validator --scheduler parallel -vv

To make your blockchain more resistent to faulty transaction processors I strongly suggest running the Validator in parallel mode. That would make it possible for other transactions to be processed in case of some bug is hit in a transaction processor. To run in parallel processing mode use sawtooth-validator --scheduler parallel -vv


The Sawtooth Validator also checks connections with transaction processors and those that do not respond (are hung or frozen) are removed.


as for your follow-up question about DoS mitigation, there is a back pressure test in Sawtooth. Back pressure is a flow-control technique to help prevent DoS attacks. If the validator is overwhelmed it will stop accepting new batches until it can handle more work. The number of batches that validator can accept is based on a multiplier, QUEUE_MULTIPLIER (currently 10, formerly 2), times a rolling average of the number of published batches.


Also, one can put the Sawtooth network behind a VPN. Sawtooth is a permissioned enterprised blockchain and is not designed for use in the public Internet.

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08-12 07:29