我有一个 RecyclerView
.在其适配器的 onBindViewHolder()
中,我将 OnClickListener 设置为 ViewHolder 的根布局.
I have a RecyclerView
. Inside its adapter's onBindViewHolder()
I set the OnClickListener to the ViewHolder's root layout.
但是,我最近注意到在滚动时无法点击 RecyclerView
的项目.只有在它停止之后.如果我在滚动时单击 RecyclerView
However, I've recently noticed that I can't click on the RecyclerView
's items while it's being scrolled. Only after it's stopped. If I click somewhere on the RecyclerView
while I'm scrolling it, the RecyclerView
only stops at that position, no items are clicked.
您可以在 Gmail 应用中了解我的意思.滚动其 RecyclerView
You can see what I mean inside the Gmail app. You can't open any email while you are scrolling its RecyclerView
但是,Google Play 应用的行为有所不同.您可以在滚动应用程序列表的同时打开应用程序页面.您甚至可以在滚动父 RecyclerView
的同时水平滚动内部 RecyclerView
However, the Google Play app behaves differently. You can open app pages while scrolling the lists of apps. You can even scroll inner RecyclerView
s horizontally while the parent RecyclerView
is being scrolled.
我还注意到 ScrollView 的相同行为.例如,如果您在其中放置了很多按钮并开始滚动它,则不会触发按钮侦听器.只有在 ScrollView 完全停止后才能触发它们.
Also I've noticed the same behaviour for a ScrollView. For example, if you put a lot of buttons inside it and begin to scroll it, the button listeners are not triggered. They can be triggered only after the ScrollView is stopped completely.
您知道如何实现在 Google Play 应用中的行为吗?谢谢!
Do you have any idea how it's possible to achieve the behaviour like in the Google Play app? Thank you!
这是 Kimi Chiu 在一个相关问题一个>:
Here's a code written by Kimi Chiu in a related question:
public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
boolean requestCancelDisallowInterceptTouchEvent = getScrollState() == SCROLL_STATE_SETTLING;
boolean consumed = super.onInterceptTouchEvent(event);
final int action = event.getActionMasked();
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
if( requestCancelDisallowInterceptTouchEvent ){
// stop scroll to enable child view get the touch event
// not consume the event
return false;
return consumed;
如果您子类化 RecyclerView
If you subclass the RecyclerView
class and override this method, it will behave as in the question.
这篇关于RecyclerView 项目在滚动时点击的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!