I am trying to search if there is a way to disable android device usb port, software level mainly. So users can still charge android device but cannot communicate with PC anymore.
link1 中提供了一些线索.但这似乎没有简单的方法.
I got some clues in link1. But it looks there is not an easy way for this.
Android OS是基于Linux的操作系统.因此,我想知道Android OS中是否存在一个配置文件,该文件允许root用户禁用USB端口,例如Linux OS中路径/etc下的文件.
Android OS is a Linux based OS. So I am wondering if there is a config file in Android OS that allows root users to disable usb port, like files under path /etc in Linux OS.
Use this command in android terminal emulator. Root priveleges required, but you can put a password on Superuser so that no one else can undo this or edit the script:
echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/enable
su -c 'echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/enable'
To automate this, you need to make a script and put it in /system/etc/init.d, let's say /system/etc/init.d/usb_off:
echo 0 > /sys/devices/virtual/android_usb/android0/enable
Then make sure it's executable with:
chmod +x /system/etc/init.d/usb_off
您也可以尝试执行此操作,但是据报道它不起作用.通过Android Terminal Emulator在命令行中执行这些操作:
You can also try this, but it's reported not to work. Execute these in the command line via Android Terminal Emulator:
setprop persist.sys.usb.config ''
setprop sys.usb.config ''