

如果您按ctrl + enter,我会用它来提交表单:

I use this, to submit the form if you hit ctrl+enter:

$(function() {
    CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function(evt) {
        evt.editor.setKeystroke(CKEDITOR.CTRL + 13, 'save');


Unfortunately this seems to be a bit different to pressing the submit button.

如果我按ctrl + enter,则会弹出一个警告窗口,提示该表单中的数据已更改,并且该数据将丢失。如果选择离开页面,则一切正常(不会丢失数据)。

If I hit ctrl+enter I get a popup with a warning that there is changed data in the form, and that this data would get lost. If I choose "leave the page", then everything works fine (not data gets lost).

如何像按提交按钮一样使ctrl + enter正常工作? / p>

How can I make ctrl+enter work like pressing the submit button?



It appears that the onbeforeunload event is triggered when you save the form.


Try this to override the save event and remove the event handler:

for (var i in CKEDITOR.instances) {
    CKEDITOR.instances[i].on('save', function(evt) {
        window.onbeforeunload = null;

        // if the above line doesn't work,
        // replace it with the next line removing the two slashes
        // $(window).off('beforeunload');


08-12 06:42