

本文介绍了如何调整并排控制在MS Access 2007的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a form in which there are various fields, for ex. Two textboxes are side by side.These 2 textbox have anchor property left,top and other right,top.


Now when I resize the form the controls are aligned to left and the other textbox to right.But when as screen is maximized it leaves a blank space in between these two textboxes.


So then I made the anchor property of both textbox to both,both the controls overlapped.

PS:工作在MS Access 2007年。上述固定属性为水平,垂直

PS: working on MS ACCESS 2007.anchoring property above is Horizontal, Vertical


_______________________Min最大关闭 _

_______________________Min Max Close_


| First_Name TEXTBOX Last_Name TEXTBOX |




When Maximized to whole screen it gives me

_____________________________________Min最大关闭 _

_____________________________________Min Max Close_

| TEXTBOX将First_Name .............................姓氏TEXTBOX |

| First_Name TEXTBOX ............................. Last_Name TEXTBOX |




_____________________________________Min最大关闭 _

_____________________________________Min Max Close_

| ˚F国税局t_N火焰TEXTBOX ........ L,以t_N AME TEXTBOX |

| F i r s t_N a m e T E X T B O X ........ L a s t_N a m e T E X T B O X |




I am trying to explain by doing all this as I am not allowed to upload a image, Sorry for that....



Paste the following code into your form, change the field names, and see what happens. The two fields will 'grow' as you increase the form width, yet maintain their Anchor. Note: I updated on 3/3 to handle the field labels.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim fviInsideWidth  As Integer
Dim fviSaveInsideWidth  As Integer
Dim fviFormWidth    As Integer
Dim fviFldWidth     As Integer
Dim fviFieldGap     As Integer
Dim fviRemainder    As Integer
Dim fviLblWidth     As Integer
Dim fviRLblToTxt    As Integer
Dim fvstrLLabel     As String
Dim fvstrRLabel     As String

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    fviSaveInsideWidth = Me.InsideWidth
    fviInsideWidth = Me.InsideWidth
    fviFormWidth = Me.Width
    fviFldWidth = Me.fldLeft.Width + Me.fldRight.Width
    fviRemainder = fviInsideWidth - fviFldWidth
    fviFieldGap = Me.fldRight.Left - (Me.fldLeft.Left + Me.fldLeft.Width)
    fvstrLLabel = Me.fldLeft.Controls.Item(0).Name
    fvstrRLabel = Me.fldRight.Controls.Item(0).Name
    fviLblWidth = Me.Controls(fvstrRLabel).Width
    fviRLblToTxt = Me.fldRight.Left - Me.Controls(fvstrRLabel).Left
    'Debug.Print "Open - InsideWidth = " & fviInsideWidth & "  Fields: " & fviFldWidth & "  Remainder: " & fviRemainder
    'Debug.Print "Open - Form Width  = " & Me.Width & vbTab & "Diff = " & fviInsideWidth - fviFormWidth
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Close()
    Me.fldLeft.Width = fviFldWidth
    Me.fldRight.Width = fviFldWidth
    Me.InsideWidth = fviSaveInsideWidth
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    Dim ifldWidth   As Integer
    Dim ifrmWidth   As Integer
    fviInsideWidth = Me.InsideWidth
    ifrmWidth = fviInsideWidth - 1110
    Me.Width = ifrmWidth
    ifldWidth = Int((fviInsideWidth - fviRemainder) / 2)
    Me.fldLeft.Width = ifldWidth
    Me.fldRight.Left = Me.fldLeft.Left + Me.fldLeft.Width + fviFieldGap
    Me.Controls(fvstrRLabel).Left = Me.fldRight.Left - fviRLblToTxt
    Me.fldRight.Width = ifldWidth
    'Debug.Print "Resize - InsideWidth = " & fviInsideWidth & vbTab & "Form Width = " & Me.Width & " Flds: " & ifldWidth & " Right=" & Me.fldLeft.Left + Me.fldLeft.Width + fviFieldGap
    'Debug.Print "Resize Form: " & Me.Width & " Flds: " & ifldWidth
End Sub

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08-12 06:15