

在安装Firebase Core和崩溃解析后,我在Xcode 10上收到此警告:

I have this warning on my Xcode 10 after installing firebase core and crashlytic:


# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
 platform :ios, '9.3'

target 'xxx' do
  # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks

  # Pods for xxx
    pod 'Firebase/Core'
    pod 'Fabric', '~> 1.9.0'
    pod 'Crashlytics', '~> 3.12.0'


我试图在此处找到解决方案:,在此处 https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/issues/1846

I have tried to find the solution in here: Xcode 10 Warning: Skipping code signing because the target does not have an Info.plist file and in here https://github.com/firebase/firebase-ios-sdk/issues/1846


but it seems no solution to omit this warning ....


I have tried to remove those pod and install it again (pod install), clean, build, remove derived data etc, but the warning is still there....


and when I try to run the app on my actual device with this warning, I have error:

即使通过在~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/删除所有配置配置文件很容易解决此错误,我也可以在实际设备上运行该应用程序.

Even though this error is easy to solve by Deleting all provisioning profiles at ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/ and I can run the app on my actual device.


so my question is ....

我仍然可以毫无问题地将我的应用发布到应用商店吗?老实说,我是一个初学者,我仍然对与代码签名相关的问题感到困惑,这让我感到担忧,因为如果要从Xcode 10.

can I still publish my app to the app store without any problem ? to be honest I am a beginner and I am still confused about code signing related, it makes me worried because I have to delete manually all provisioning profile ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles over and over again if I want to install the app to my real device from the Xcode 10.



To fix the warning, update to at least CocoaPods version 1.6.0.rc.1


The warning is not harmful because FirebaseCore is a static library that gets linked at build time.


08-12 05:54