








解决方案 c> CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR 和和 CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR 可能指向不同文件包含的CMake列表文件的不同目录www.cmake.org/cmake/help/v2.8.10/cmake.html#command%3ainclude\"> include 命令。例如,如果 CMakeLists.txt 存在于项目中,并包含以下指令

  include(src / CMakeLists.txt)

然后正在处理 src / CMakeLists.txt CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR 将引用 project / src ,而 CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR 仍指向外部目录 project 。

CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR 可以派上用场,当您需要找到资源文件,如模板文件或批处理脚本,位于 CMakeLists.txt 当前正在处理的文件。

From the Wiki:

CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIRthis is the directory where the currently processed CMakeLists.txt is located in

CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR(since 2.8.3) this is the directory of the listfile currently being processed.

From the Docs:

CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR: The path to the source directory currently being processed.This the full path to the source directory that is currently being processed by cmake.

CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR: Full directory of the listfile currently being processed.As CMake processes the listfiles in your project this variable will always be set to the directory where the listfile which is currently being processed (CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE) is located. The value has dynamic scope. When CMake starts processing commands in a source file it sets this variable to the directory where this file is located. When CMake finishes processing commands from the file it restores the previous value. Therefore the value of the variable inside a macro or function is the directory of the file invoking the bottom-most entry on the call stack, not the directory of the file containing the macro or function definition.

Under what circumstances would these variables hold different values?


The variables CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR and CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR may refer to different directories for a CMake list file that is included by a different file with the include command. E.g., if a CMakeLists.txt is present in a directory project and contains the following directive


then while src/CMakeLists.txt is being processed CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR will refer to project/src whereas CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR still points to the outer directory project.

CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR comes in handy when you need to locate resource files like template files or batch scripts that are located next to the CMakeLists.txt file currently being processed.


08-22 14:57