本文介绍了混合JQuery Mobile和jQuery UI的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们正在考虑将JQuery UI和Mobile结合起来.有人对此有经验吗?

We're thinking to combine JQuery UI and Mobile. Does somebody has some experience with this ?

过去的经验非常棘手 jquery论坛,但是有点老了.

Past experience is proving tricky jquery forum, but it's a bit old.


Any sharing of experience and ideas is welcomed.

使用JQuery Mobile虚拟事件有一些经验吗?

Some experience using the JQuery Mobile virtual events ?



当前版本的jQuery UI 1.10.4和jQuery Mobile 1.4.2不能很好地配合使用.将jQuery UI纳入页面后,Mobile中的样式就会毁掉.

The current version of jQuery UI 1.10.4 and jQuery Mobile 1.4.2 do not play well together. Styles in Mobile are ruined as soon as you include jQuery UI into your page.

但是,如果您只需要jQuery UI的特定功能,例如我只需要Draggable/Droppable/Sortable交互,则可以在 https://jqueryui.com/download/,并且仅包含互动.然后,您可以简单地删除除js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js文件之外的所有内容,然后所有内容都可以再次正常运行.

However, if you need only particular functionality from jQuery UI, as in my case I only need Draggable/Droppable/Sortable interactions, you can create custom jQuery UI download at https://jqueryui.com/download/ and include interactions only. Then you can simply delete everything except js/jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom.min.js file and all works well together again.

我希望即使使用这种方法,使用jQuery UI小部件也会遇到问题.但是,仅使用jQuery Mobile才有意义.

I expect you'll run into issues using jQuery UI widgets even using this approach. But, it makes sense to use jQuery Mobile stuff only.

这篇关于混合JQuery Mobile和jQuery UI的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 05:21