

我在域xyz.com上有一个网页,其中有一个从cdn domain cdn.xyz.com下载的javascript。浏览器是否考虑通过javascript跨域调用在xyz.com(xyz.com/service.svc)上调用服务,因为js是从cdn.xyz.com下载的?

I have a web page on domain xyz.com that has a javascript being downloaded from cdn domain cdn.xyz.com. Does the browser consider calling a service on xyz.com (xyz.com/service.svc) from the javascript a cross domain call since js is downloaded from cdn.xyz.com?


If yes, Can the javascript on cdn.xyz.com call a service on xyz.com without having the service to return jsonp?


Which domain is considered by the browser on making a service call from javascript? Is it the domain the javascript is downloaded from or the domain of the primary request?



No. The origin domain is the domain from which originated the HTML that referenced the javascript. It doesn't matter from which domain does this javascript came.

如果反之亦然,请考虑一下。谷歌CDN甚至不存在于jQuery,因为你只能将AJAX请求发送到 http://google.com 哪种方式限制了应用程序的数量。

Just think for a second if the contrary was true. Google CDN wouldn't even exist for jQuery since you would be able to send AJAX requests only to http://google.com which kinda restricts the number of applications.

在您的具体示例中, http://xyz.com 。因此,即使您的javascript文件是从 http://cdn.xyz引用的,您也可以完美地将AJAX请求发送到 http://xyz.com .com

In your specific example that would be http://xyz.com. So you can perfectly fine send AJAX requests to http://xyz.com even if your javascript file was referenced from http://cdn.xyz.com.


08-12 04:47