本文介绍了AspNet Core WebApi OData-多对多联接表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这几天,当您进行多对多连接时,这是EF Core中的推荐模式,我们将执行以下操作:

As is the recommended pattern in EF Core these days when you have a many to many join we do something like this:

Fluent API,实体框架中的多对多核心


Having done that I'm faced with the issue as to how I go about exposing that in the OData model.


Since technically the Entity type definition has no key property (as it uses a composite key the OData framework doesn't like me adding the set to the model.


Whats the recommended approach to this problem?



It seems that EF and OData have become somewhat synced up, what would be even better would be if they could literally share model building code.


To that end I found that in the OData model build after calling AddSet I was able to define the key in the same way as I did in EF ...

Builder.EntityType<UserRole>().HasKey(ac => new { ac.UserId, ac.RoleId });


This is somewhat clean, I have not yet tried posting or directly requesting such a type yet, but expanding from either side of the relationship chain seems to work fine.


Moredetails on the definition of this in controller ...

网址需要包含两个关键部分...HTTP GET〜/UserRole(123,456)

The Url needs to contain both key parts ...HTTP GET ~/UserRole(123, 456)


the same with PUTs and DELETEs but POST's don't contain the key they are part of the object in the body.


The method signature must contain both key parts, here's some examples ...

public IActionResult Get([FromODataUri]int keyUserId, [FromODataUri]Guid keyRoleId)

public IActionResult Put([FromODataUri]int keyUserId, [FromODataUri]Guid keyRoleId)

public IActionResult Post(UserRole entity)

这篇关于AspNet Core WebApi OData-多对多联接表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 04:23