

我已经有了下面的代码来显示/隐藏两个基于下拉选择的表单元素。它在使用ID的页面上有一个表单的单个实例时起作用。现在有多种形式,它们使用类。我试过 getElementsByClass 但由于某种原因,它不起作用。


  function Toggle(obj){ 
var val = obj.value;

if(!obj.m){obj.m =''; }
if(!obj.m.match(val)){obj.m + =','+ val +','; }

var hide = obj.m.split(',');

for(var zxc0 = 0; zxc0< hide.length; zxc0 ++){
if(document.getElementsByClassName(hide [zxc0])){
document.getElementsByClassName(hide [zxc0])的style.display = '无';

var show = val.split(',');

for(var zxc1 = 0; zxc1< show.length; zxc1 ++){
if(document.getElementsByClassName(show [zxc1])){
document.getElementsByClassName(show [zxc1])的style.display = '';


 < form class =contactname =contactaction =#method =post> 
< label>您是如何知道我们的:< / label>
< div id =style-select>
< select name =howonChange =Toggle(this);类= 下拉菜单 >
< option value =互联网搜索>互联网搜索< /选项>
< option value =Facebook> Facebook< / option>
< option value =Twitter> Twitter< / option>
< option value =LinkedIN> LinkedIN< / option>
< option value =Referral,Referral2> Referral< / option>
< option value =Other,Other2>其他< / option>
< / select>
< / div>
< label class =Referralstyle =display:none;>推荐人:< / label>
< input name =Referral2style =display:none; class =hidden-txt Referral2>
< label class =其他style =display:none;>请指定:< / label>
< input name =Other2value =style =display:none; class =hidden-txt Other2>
< / form>

从下拉列表中选择引荐时,标签 class = Referral 并输入 class = Referral2 应该出现。当选择Other时,标签 class = Other 并且输入 class = Other2 应该出现(并且引用应该隐藏)。





//隐藏所有可选元素。 ($(this).val()==Referral){
$(select option:selected)。 ('.referral').css('display','block');
} else if($(this).val()==Other){
$('。other ').css('display','block');


 < form class =contactname =contactaction =#method =post> 
< label>您是如何知道我们的:< / label>
< div id =style-select>
< select name =howclass =dropdown>
< option value =互联网搜索>互联网搜索< /选项>
< option value =Facebook> Facebook< / option>
< option value =Twitter> Twitter< / option>
< option value =LinkedIN> LinkedIN< / option>
< option value =Referral> Referral< / option>
< option value =其他>其他< / option>
< / select>
< / div>
< label class =optional referralstyle =display:none;> Referred By:< / label>
< input class =optional referralname =Referral2style =display:none;类= 隐藏-TXT >
< label class =optional otherstyle =display:none;>请指定:< / label>
< input class =optional othername =Other2value =style =display:none;类= 隐藏-TXT >
< label for =注册class =text-checkbox>将我添加到您的电子邮件列表< / label>
< input type =checkboxname =signupvalue =Yesclass =checkbox>
< button class =send>提交< / button>
< / form>

I already have the following code to show/hide two form elements based on a dropdown selection. It worked when there was a single instance of a form on the page using IDs. Now there's multiple forms, which use classes. I've tried getElementsByClass but for some reason it's not working.

Here is the Javascript:

function Toggle(obj){
    var val=obj.value;

    if (!obj.m){ obj.m=''; }
    if (!obj.m.match(val)){ obj.m+=','+val+','; }

    var hide=obj.m.split(',');

    for (var zxc0=0;zxc0<hide.length;zxc0++){
        if (document.getElementsByClassName(hide[zxc0])){

    var show=val.split(',');

    for (var zxc1=0;zxc1<show.length;zxc1++){
        if (document.getElementsByClassName(show[zxc1])){

And the HTML:

<form class="contact" name="contact" action="#" method="post">
    <label>How did you hear about us:</label>
    <div id="styled-select">
        <select name="how" onChange="Toggle(this);" class="dropdown">
            <option value="Internet Search">Internet Search</option>
            <option value="Facebook" >Facebook</option>
            <option value="Twitter" >Twitter</option>
            <option value="LinkedIN" >LinkedIN</option>
            <option value="Referral,Referral2" >Referral</option>
            <option value="Other,Other2">Other</option>
     <label class="Referral" style="display:none;">Referred By:</label>
     <input name="Referral2" style="display:none;" class="hidden-txt Referral2">
     <label class="Other" style="display:none;">Please Specify:</label>
     <input name="Other2" value="" style="display:none;" class="hidden-txt Other2">

When referral is selected from the dropdown, the label class=Referral and input class=Referral2 should appear. Upon selection of Other, label class=Other and input class=Other2 should appear (and referral should hide).


I think it might be quicker/easier to use JQuery unless pure JS is a requirement.

Working Example: http://jsfiddle.net/p8ARq/2/


$("select").change(function () {
    // hide all optional elements

    $("select option:selected").each(function () {
        if($(this).val() == "Referral") {
        } else if($(this).val() == "Other") {


<form class="contact" name="contact" action="#" method="post">
    <label>How did you hear about us:</label>
    <div id="styled-select">
        <select name="how" class="dropdown">
            <option value="Internet Search">Internet Search</option>
            <option value="Facebook" >Facebook</option>
            <option value="Twitter" >Twitter</option>
            <option value="LinkedIN" >LinkedIN</option>
            <option value="Referral" >Referral</option>
            <option value="Other">Other</option>
    <label class="optional referral" style="display:none;">Referred By:</label>
    <input class="optional referral" name="Referral2" style="display:none;" class="hidden-txt">
    <label class="optional other" style="display:none;">Please Specify:</label>
    <input class="optional other" name="Other2" value="" style="display:none;" class="hidden-txt">
    <label for="signup" class="text-checkbox">Add me to your email list</label>
    <input type="checkbox" name="signup" value="Yes" class="checkbox">
    <button class="send">Submit</button>


08-12 04:03