After programming plain HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP I've just started using the CMS called OctoberCMS since both the Laravel framework and OctoberCMS look very well structured and easy to use/maintain. But I'm a little confused on how to process a single detail page or a overview page.
Let's take a news page for example. So far I've made this page:
title = "News"
url = "/news/:news_id?|^[0-9]+$"
layout = "default"
description = "This is the news page."
is_hidden = "0"
meta_title = "News"
meta_description = "News page meta description"
function onStart()
$news_id = $this->param('news_id');
if(isset($news_id)) {
$news_article = []; //get the news article by id
$this['news_article'] = $news_article;
} else {
$news = []; //get an array of news articles (last ... articles ordered by datetime desc)
$this['news'] = $news;
<div class="container">
<h1 class="block-title">
{% if news_article is defined %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
But where do I actually manage to make some sort of library for my news articles? I've read something about creating a new class in a new plug-in but I can't find any tutorials or documentation for this problem, or I'm just using the wrong terms while searching. Can someone make a small example (maybe with news articles) or post a link where I can find a tutorial/documentation?
使用构建器( https://octobercms.com/plugin/rainlab-builder )插件可以非常轻松地管理CRUD.
Use Builder (https://octobercms.com/plugin/rainlab-builder) plugin to manage CRUD very easily.
Suppose you have a model named NewsModel and you want to show the news listing or a single news in the frontend then you can modify your code by the following..
N.B: No need to write php opening and closing tag in the php section, just write
use Namespace\Plugin\Models\NewsModel; //needed to get data through model
function onStart()
$news_id = $this->param('news_id');
if($news_id) {
$news_article = []; //get the news article by id
$this['news_article'] = $news_article;
} else {
$news = []; //get an array of news articles (last ... articles ordered by datetime desc)
$this['news_list'] = $news;
<div class="container">
{% if news_article %}
<h1 class="block-title"> News Details</h1>
<div>{{ news_article.details }}</div> <!--Suppose you have a field named 'details' in the news table -->
{% elseif news_list %}
<h1 class="block-title"> News List</h1>
{% for news in news_list %}
<li> {{ news.title }}</li><!--Suppose you have a field named 'title' in the news table -->
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
No news found !
{% endif %}