我有一个Google表单,它运行一些Apps Script服务器代码连接到SQL服务器。我想在数据刷新时在模态对话框中显示消息loading ...。我可以让模式弹出,但是我想在代码完成后自动关闭对话框。
/ code>触发服务器端 .gs 函数运行
您需要一个 < script> 标记在您的模式中d ialog。
< script>
window.onload = function(){
//console.log('window.onload ran!');
window.closeDialog = function(){
< / script>
I have a Google Sheet that runs some Apps Script server code to connect to an SQL server. I want to show the message "loading..." in the modal dialog while data is being refreshed. I can get the modal to pop up, but I want to auto-close the dialog as soon as the code is finished.
An example I have set up is:
function testpop () { var htmlOutput = HtmlService .createHtmlOutput('<p> This box will close when the data has finished loading.</p>') .setSandboxMode(HtmlService.SandboxMode.IFRAME) .setWidth(250) .setHeight(200); SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput, 'Loading...'); sleep(1000); //close the dialog }
I know this can be called on a client side but need it to be handled in the GS so it fires when the code is done.
The flow of events could be:
- User does something
- Triggers modal dialog
- onLoad event of modal dialog triggers client side code
- Client side google.script.run triggers a server side .gs function to run
- Server function in .gs script file runs.
- database updated from server.
- server code sends a return value back to dialog
- "withSuccessHandler()" in dialog detects the return from the server
- "withSuccessHandler()" runs and closes the dialog using google.script.host.close();
You'll need a <script> tag in your modal dialog.
<script> window.onload = function() { //console.log('window.onload ran!'); google.script.run .withSuccessHandler(closeDialog) .theFunctionNameToUpdateDatabase() }; window.closeDialog = function() { google.script.host.close(); }; </script>
Right now you are using:
HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(the HTML here)
You could create the HTML from a file instead:
这篇关于自动关闭模式对话框 - 服务器代码完成后,在Google Spreadsheet中关闭对话框的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!