

此代码有什么问题?我正在尝试获得这种效果:fadeOut(500)attr('class','myClass')延迟了600毫秒.然后再次delay(600)fadeIn(500).延迟正确发生,但attr()未被延迟,当#myDiv仍在消失时会触发! :'(

what is wrong in this code? I'm trying to get this effect: fadeOut(500) and attr('class','myClass') delayed by 600 millisecs.. then delay(600) again, and fadeIn(500). The delays happen correctly but the attr() is not being delayed, it fires when #myDiv is still fading! :'(



.delay() 影响动画或fx队列(除非您专门指定其他队列).请记住,链接和排队是2个截然不同的概念,链接继续使用相同的jquery集,但这完全不同于该集中元素上的任何事件队列.

The .delay() only affects the animation or fx queue (unless you specify a different queue specifically). Keep in mind that chaining and queuing are 2 distinctly different concepts, chaining continues the use of the same jquery set, but that's a different thing entirely than any event queues on elements in that set.

要影响 .attr() 调用,您必须将其添加为该回调使用> .queue() 的相同队列,如下所示:

To have the .attr() call affected, you have to add it as a callback to that same queue using .queue(), like this:

           .queue(function(next) { $(this).attr('class','myClass'); next(); })

还要注意,有 .addClass() .removeClass() .toggleClass() 可用的方法,可能会使其更干净:)

Also note there are .addClass(), .removeClass() and .toggleClass() methods available that may make this a bit cleaner :)
