I have several buttons on the page and dynamically I am trying to change the color (background)
I have written a jQuery it's working on all browsers and changing background color based on the CSS param passed to the function.
I am looking for a javascript way of changing the button color that should be working on all browsers similar to the below jQuery implementation.
function apply_Color(iframe,CSSParams){
var buttonColor = CSSParams.buttonColor;
var buttonHoverBackgroundColor = CSSParams.buttonHoverBackgroundColor;
'background': buttonColor,
'background-image': '-moz-linear-gradient(top,' + buttonColor + ' 0%,' + buttonColor + ' 100%)', /* FF3.6+*/
'background-image': '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, ' + buttonColor + '), color-stop(100%, ' + buttonColor + '))', /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
'background-image': '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonColor + ' 100%)', /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
'background-image': '-o-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonColor + ' 100%)', /* Opera 11.10+ */
'background-image': '-ms-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonColor + ' 100%)', /* IE10+ */
'background-image': 'linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonColor + ' 100%)'/* W3C */
jQuery(iframe).contents().find('.p-search-button').hover(function() {
'background': buttonHoverBackgroundColor ,
'background-image': '-moz-linear-gradient(top,' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 0%,' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 100%)', /* FF3.6+*/
'background-image': '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + '), color-stop(100%, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + '))', /* Chrome,Safari4+ */
'background-image': '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 100%)', /* Chrome10+,Safari5.1+ */
'background-image': '-o-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 100%)', /* Opera 11.10+ */
'background-image': '-ms-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 100%)', /* IE10+ */
'background-image': 'linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonHoverBackgroundColor + ' 100%)'/* W3C */
I have tried javascript way, no luck; please help. Please leave a comment if my question isn't clear. I will edit. I am looking for the syntax that can take linear-gradients for button (background color).
obj.style.backgroundColor["-webkit-linear-gradient"] = "blue";
obj.style.backgroundColor = "red";
Based on MT0's idea, you can just add a stylesheet to the iframe?
function applyCss(iframe,stylesheet_url){
var link = document.createElement("link")
link.href = "style.css";
link.rel = "stylesheet";
link.type = "text/css";
For linear gradient, you should use background-image not background-color and set the value to the css function
obj.style.backgroundImage = "-webkit-linear-gradient(left,blue,blue)";
function apply_Color(iframe,CSSParams){
var buttonColor = CSSParams.buttonColor;
var buttonHoverBackgroundColor = CSSParams.buttonHoverBackgroundColor;
var els = iframe.document.getElementsByClassName('.search-button');
for(var i = 0; i<els.length; i++){
els[i].style.background = buttonColor;
els[i].style.backgroundImage = '-moz-linear-gradient(top,' + buttonColor + ' 0%,' + buttonColor + ' 100%)';
els[i].style.backgroundImage = '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, ' + buttonColor + '), color-stop(100%, ' + buttonColor + '))';
els[i].style.backgroundImage = '-webkit-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonColor + ' 100%)';
els[i].style.backgroundImage = '-o-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonColor + ' 100%)';
els[i].style.backgroundImage = '-ms-linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonColor + ' 100%)';
els[i].style.backgroundImage = 'linear-gradient(top, ' + buttonColor + ' 0%, ' + buttonColor + ' 100%)';
// same goes for hover