

本文介绍了Perl LibXML获取节点的最后一行数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




  • ..在节点的innerhtml中计算换行符,但是LibXML以不同于原始格式的格式返回innerhtml,以便行号
  • .. node-> getLastChild-> line_number,但也没有成功。

line_number 返回了第一行如你所说,所有你需要的是

  my $ s_line_num = $ node-> line_number(); 
my $ e_line_num = $ node-> nextSibling() - > line_number();

但事实并非如此。什么 line_number 返回实际上更接近该节点的最后一行的数量。

  my $ s_line_num = $ node-> previousSibling() - > LINE_NUMBER(); 
my $ e_line_num = $ node-> line_number();



I use LibXML in Perl, which store the start line number of each node, but how i can get the last one?

I tried get last line number through..

  • ..counting newlines in innerhtml of the node, but LibXML return the innerhtml in different formatting than original, so that the line number differ.
  • ..node->getLastChild->line_number, but also havin no success.

Any Idea?


If line_number returned the first line of a node as you say, all you'd need is

my $s_line_num = $node->line_number();
my $e_line_num = $node->nextSibling()->line_number();

But it doesn't. What line_number returns is actually closer the number of the last line of the node. For that, we could simply look at the previous sibling's line number.

my $s_line_num = $node->previousSibling()->line_number();
my $e_line_num = $node->line_number();

But while that's what it returns for non-element nodes, it returns the last line number of the start tag (rather than of the element as a whole) for elements. That's completely useless.

Sorry, no can do!

这篇关于Perl LibXML获取节点的最后一行数的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-12 03:11