



我想在一个contenteditable div上设置最小宽度,在其旁边的一些其他元素必须保持与div内联。

I would like to set the min-width on a contenteditable div with some other elements next to it that must stay inline with the div.

ve seen使用inline-block,但是我不能使用inline-block行为。当inline-block开始包装时,它仍然像一个块元素,我需要div作为一个内联元素。我想象的解决方案将需要不仅仅是CSS,但似乎很难设置任何事件,当div的文本更改。将欢迎包含javascript和/或jQuery的解决方案。

Every solution I've seen uses inline-block, but I can't use inline-block behavior. When inline-block starts wrapping, it still behaves like a block element, and I need the div to behave as an inline element. I would imagine the solution would require more than just CSS, but it seems very difficult to set any event for when the div's text changes. A solution involving javascript and/or jQuery would be welcome.


Here's a simplified version of what I'm trying to do. If the user would type more text than the page is wide, there is a difference in behavior between inline-block and block, and that's what I am concerned with.

<style type="text/css">
label {
    width: 40px;
    height: 40px;
#container {
    font-size: 32px;
#content {
    display: inline;
    min-height: 37px; /* doesn't work on inline elements */
    min-width: 80px; /* also doesn't work on inline elements */

<div id="container">
    <input type="radio" />
    <div id="content" contenteditable="true" unselectable="off">test</div>


好的,这里是我想出的答案jQuery)。任何人都可以给我建议删除一些这些事件,可能不会改变div的内容或在div周围放置边框? (我也关心剪切/粘贴)。

Okay, here's the answer I came up with (in jQuery). Can anyone give me suggestions on leaving out some of these events that might not change the div's content or place a border around the div? (I'm also concerned with cut/paste).

$('#content').bind('blur focus load resize scroll click dblclick ' +
        'mousedown mouseup mousemove change ' +
        'select keydown keypress keyup', function () {
    if($(this).width() <= 80) {
        $(this).css("display", "inline-block");
    else {
        $(this).css("display", "inline");


08-12 02:49