主要区别在于,创建自定义操作符更容易,并且在不改变某些全局 Observable 对象的情况下,如果两个不同的方想要创建相同的操作符,可能会发生冲突名字.为每个运算符 'rxjs/add/operator/first' 使用单独的 import 语句是制作更小的应用程序包的一种方式.通过仅导入您需要的操作符而不是整个 RxJS 库,您可以显着减少总包大小.但是,编译器无法知道您是否导入了 'rxjs/add/operator/first' 因为您在代码中确实需要它,或者您在重构代码时忘记删除它.这是使用可管道操作符的优势之一,其中未使用的导入会被自动忽略.I think I have the base concept, but there are some obscuritiesSo in general this is how I use an Observable:observable.subscribe(x => {})If I want to filter data I can use this:import { first, last, map, reduce, find, skipWhile } from 'rxjs/operators';observable.pipe( map(x => {return x}), first() ).subscribe(x => {})I can also do this:import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';import 'rxjs/add/operator/first';observable.map(x => {return x}).first().subscribe(x => {})So my questions are:What is the difference?If there is no difference, why the function pipe exists?Why those functions need different imports? 解决方案 The "pipeable" (former "lettable") operators is the current and recommended way of using operators since RxJS 5.5.I strongly recommend you to read the official documentation on pipeable operatorsThe main difference is that it's easier to make custom operators and that it's better treeshakable while not altering some global Observable object that could possible make collisions if two different parties wanted to create an operator of the same name.Using separate import statement for each operator 'rxjs/add/operator/first' was a way to make smaller app bundles. By importing only operators you need instead of the entire RxJS library you can significantly reduce the total bundle size. However the compiler can't know if you imported 'rxjs/add/operator/first' because you really need it in you code or you just forgot to remove it when refactoring your code. That's one of the advantages of using pipeable operators where unused imports are ignored automatically. 这篇关于RxJS 中的管道是什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-12 02:37