


For my own project at home, I'm using the rather excellent managed subversion hosting from CVSDude. As it's only me working on the code right now, I'm not using CruiseControl.net, however I expect this will change in the next couple of months and will want a full build process to kick off upon check-in.


Has anyone managed to get CruiseControl.net working with CVSDude? My collegue Mike has this blog post where someone from CVSDude said:


Sounds lovely. But has anyone actually done it with cruisecontrol?


Dunno,如果您仍然有兴趣,但是我们使CruiseControl(基于Java的原始版本,而不是.NET,但这没什么大不了)可以与CVSDude一起使用-它每分钟只执行 svn日志来检查是否有任何问题改变了。我们计划改用他们的API,尽管很遗憾, svn日志落后于实时更新。

Dunno if you are still interested, but we have CruiseControl (the original Java-based one, not .NET, but this shouldn't matter much) working with CVSDude - it just does svn log every minute to check if anything changed. We plan to switch to using their API though as unfortunately svn log has some lag behind the realtime update.


10-18 22:56