


I have been trying for the last hour or so to get the following working. I have my attachments stored in the target directory. But they are not linked on the test pages at either the class level or the test level.


I have tried every combination of the following:

  • c>目标/ surefire-reports / [class.mothod] / c>

  • [class] .xml

  • 将附件文件夹放入目标 / testArtifacts / [class] / 在附件文件夹
  • 中打印 [[ATTACHMENT | target / testArtifacts / [class] /captureDebug.txt]] target / testArtifacts / [class] / 并打印 [[ATTACHMENT | / var / lib / jenkins /.../ target / testArtifacts / ] /captureDebug.txt]] in std out
  • putting the attachment folder target/surefire-reports/[class]/ with the target/surefire-reports/[class].xml folder
  • target/surefire-reports/[class.mothod]/ with the target/surefire-reports/[class].xml
  • putting the attachment folder in target/testArtifacts/[class]/ and printing [[ATTACHMENT|target/testArtifacts/[class]/captureDebug.txt]] in std out
  • putting the attachment folder in target/testArtifacts/[class]/ and printing [[ATTACHMENT|/var/lib/jenkins/.../target/testArtifacts/[class]/captureDebug.txt]] in std out


My Jenkins version is 1.529 and JUnit Attachments Plugin is 1.3.


I created a simple project that exemplifies this problem, you can get it here:

它是用命令行maven构建的( mvn -U -Pci clean integration-test -e )。

It is build with command line maven (mvn -U -Pci clean integration-test -e).



I think the solution to this problem is upgrade to the latest version of Jenkins. My company did a blog post about how we configure the JUnit Attachments Jenkins Plugin, in case that helps anyone.


08-12 02:19