

输入DOM元素时,将发生 mouseover 事件。在当前元素周围移动鼠标时,不会发生任何事件,因为 mouseover 用于输入。

When entering a DOM element, mouseover event will happen. Upon moving the mouse around the current element, no event happens, as mouseover is for entering.


However, this rule is not obeyed for child nodes. If moving the mouse over child nodes, the mouseover event will be triggered again and again, though no new event, as we are still in the original parent.


See this example. If we move the mouse over the parent (actually on its textNode), nothing new happens, but if we go to the child element (still on the parent), it will trigger the mouseover event again and again. In fact it will fire the mouse event every time mouse enters an elements (even inside the original parent element).

我们如何使鼠标悬停只移动一次父级( addEventListener 中的原始元素)?在给定的示例中,我的意思是避免在子元素上移动鼠标时触发事件。

How we can make the mouseover only once for moving all over the parent (the original element in the addEventListener)? In the given example, I mean to avoid firing the event upong moving the mouse on the child element.


这对我有用in chrome和ff

This works for me in chrome and ff

document.getElementById("parent").addEventListener('mouseover', function(event) {
    var e = event.fromElement || event.relatedTarget;
    if (e.parentNode == this || e == this) {
    document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = new Date();
}, true);



08-12 01:38