



我正在尝试使用document存储在我的android应用程序的firestore中="nofollow noreferrer">自定义对象.如果我使用Proguard构建应用程序,是否可以像Gson使用@SerializedName注释提供的方式那样为类中的字段指定序列化名称?

I am trying to store a document in firestore in my android app using a custom object. If I am using proguard for building my app, is there a way to specify the serialized name for the fields inside my class like the way Gson provides using @SerializedName annotation?


您可以使用 PropertyName 批注.例如:

You can specify the name a Java property gets in the JSON of the document with the PropertyName annotation. For example:

public class Data {
    public String someFieldName


If you use getters and setters (instead of using a public field as above), be sure to put the annotation on both getter and setter:

public class Data {
    private String someFieldName

    public String getSomeFieldName() { return someFieldName; }

    public void getSomeFieldName(String someFieldName) { this.someFieldName = someFieldName; }

此注释在Cloud Firestore和较早的Firebase实时数据库之间共享,因此我建议您还检查一些的问题,例如

This annotation is shared between Cloud Firestore and the older Firebase Realtime Database, so I recommend also checking out some of the previous questions about PropertyName, sch as Naming convention with Firebase serialization/deserialization?


08-12 01:26