当询问如何做的问题wrapped N比特签署减法我得到了以下的回答:
When asking a question on how to do wrapped N bit signed subtraction I got the following answer:
template<int bits>
sub_wrap( int v, int s )
struct Bits { signed int r: bits; } tmp;
tmp.r = v - s;
return tmp.r;
That's neat and all, but how will a compiler implement this? From this question I gather that accessing bit fields is more or less the same as doing it by hand, but what about when combined with arithmetic as in this example? Would it be as fast as a good manual bit-twiddling approach?
An answer for "gcc" in the role of "a compiler" would be great if anyone wants to get specific. I've tried reading the generated assembly, but it is currently beyond me.
As written in the other question, unsigned wrapping math can be done as:
int tmp = (a - b) & 0xFFF; /* 12 bit mask. */
Writing to a (12bit) bitfield will do exactly that, signed or unsigned. The only difference is that you might get a warning message from the compiler.
For reading though, you need to do something a bit different.
For unsigned maths, it's enough to do this:
int result = tmp; /* whatever bit count, we know tmp contains nothing else. */
int result = tmp & 0xFFF; /* 12bit, again, if we have other junk in tmp. */
For signed maths, the extra magic is the sign-extend:
int result = (tmp << (32-12)) >> (32-12); /* asssuming 32bit int, and 12bit value. */
All that does is replicate the top bit of the bitfield (bit 11) across the wider int.
This is exactly what the compiler does for bitfields. Whether you code them by hand or as bitfields is up to you, but just make sure you get the magic numbers right.
(I have not read the standard, but I suspect that relying on bitfields to do the right thing on overflow might not be safe?)