



为了Haskell的惊人类型系统的简单美德,我从Erlang回到了Haskell的个人项目。 Erlang为您提供了大量工具来解决问题。 Haskell为您提供工具,以防止您出现错误。


你还会从Haskell的类型机器中获得一堆重载糖,但这在很大程度上是次要的 - 即使它允许我表达一个在Erlang(例如Haskell的类别 - 附加)中抽象的数量将非常冗长或非惯用和不可用。



Have you actually "tried" (means programmed in, not just read an article on it) Erlang and decided against it for a project? If so, why? Also, if you have opted to go back to your old language, or to use another functional language like F#, Haskell, Clojure, Scala, or something else then this counts too, and state why.


I returned to Haskell for my personal projects from Erlang for the simple virtue of Haskell's amazing type system. Erlang gives you a ton of tools to handle when things go wrong. Haskell gives you tools to keep you from going wrong in the first place.

When working in a language with a strong type system you are effectively proving free theorems about your code every time you compile.

You also get a bunch of overloading sugar from Haskell's typeclass machinery, but that is largely secondary to me -- even if it does allow me to express a number of abstractions that would be terribly verbose or non-idiomatic and unusable in Erlang (e.g. Haskell's category-extras).

I love Erlang, I love its channels and its effortless scalability. I turn to it when these are the things I need. Haskell isn't a panacea. I give up a better operational understanding of space consumption. I give up the magical one pass garbage collector. I give up OTP patterns and all that effortless scalability.

But its hard for me to give up the security blanket that, as is commonly said, in Haskell, if it typechecks, it is probably correct.


08-12 01:11