本文介绍了Visual C#2008 Express SP1安装失败的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 您好 我是在我的Windows XP SP3计算机上安装Visual C#2008 Express SP1期间反复出错。安装.NET Framework 3.5 SP1时安装失败 以下是我认为相关的所有信息: EventType:visualstudio8setup P1:10861 P2:9.0.30729.01_orcas_x86_net P3:pr P4:inst P5:f P6:gencomp350_ {168d82f8-ac6b-4b55-804f -2ae51ac4b P7:baseret_failure P8: - P9:1603 P10: - [08/27 / 08,18:34:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1:GenericComponent操作:使用cmd行启动CreateProcess:C:\ DOCUME~1 \AKHILE~1 \ LOCALS~1 \Temp \ 30729.01 \ 1033 \ wwh \ _dotnetframework \dotnetfx35setup.exe / q / norestart / lang:ENU [08/27 / 08,18:34:20] BWaitForMSI():验证我们是目前正在进行的唯一安装。 [08/27 / 08,18:34:20] BWaitForMSI():准备继续安装。继续...... [08/27 / 08,18:36:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1:C:\ DOCUME~1 \\\〜主题〜1 \ LOCALS~1 \Temp \ 30729.01 \ 1033\wcu\dotnetframework \dotnetfx35setup.exe退出并返回值1603 [08/27 / 08,18:36:28] InstallReturnValue:GFN_MID NET Framework设置,0x643 [08/27 / 08,18:36:29] Setup.exe:AddGlobalCustomProperty [08/27 / 08,18:36:29] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1:*** ERRORLOG EVENT ***:错误代码1603 for此组件的意思是"安装过程中的致命错误。" [08/27 / 08,18:36:29] Setup.exe:AddGlobalCustomProperty [08/27 / 08,18:36: 30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1:*** ERRORLOG EVENT ***:组件Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1上的安装失败 [08/27 / 08,18:36:30] Setup.exe:GetGlobalCustomProperty - 属性:{BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName:compfailed - 值:0 [08/27 / 08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1:CBaseComponent :: LaunchWatson() - 获得CSetupWatson ins tance [08/27 / 08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1:ISetupManager :: GetGlobalCustomProperty()无法在CBaseComponent :: GetGlobalCustomProperty()中找到全局道具 [08/27 / 08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1:ISetupManager :: GetGlobalCustomProperty()无法在CBaseComponent中找到全局道具:: GetGlobalCustomProperty() [08/27 / 08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1:CBaseComponent :: LaunchWatson() - 使用清单创建PreReq Watson报告:C:\ DOCUME~1 \AKHILE~1 \ LOCALS~1\Temp \ MAN11F.tmp 以下是我机器上已安装的相关内容: 。 .NET framework 2.0 SP1 .NET framework 3.0 SP1 .NET framework 3.5 Visual C ++ 2008 Express Edition-ENU 我在这个论坛上尝试了各种线程而没有任何结果。请帮我调试这个问题。 提前致谢 Akhilesh Gupta 解决方案 匿名 请尝试暂时禁用防病毒软件安装时的Windows Update。 因为这些可能会影响安装过程,尤其是某些组件,如.NET Framework。 或者如果你正在使用网页安装,我建议你尝试离线安装,你可以得到Visual Studio 2008速成版ISO版 here 。 有关离线安装的其他信息,请访问 http://www.microsoft.com/express/download/offline.aspx 。 如果问题仍然存在,您知道,错误1603可能由多种原因造成,因此我们需要详细设置和错误日志来解决问题。 会你请用这个收集实用程序获取设置和错误日志,上传文件%TEMP%\\ \\ vslogs.cab 到某个服务器并提供URL? 您可以在 http://skydrive.live.com 仅限您的Live Passport。 任何其他问题,请告诉我。 谢谢, 最好的问候, Lingzhi  HiI am repeatedly getting an error during the installation of Visual C# 2008 Express SP1 on my Windows XP SP3 machine. The setup fails during the installation of .NET framework 3.5 SP1Here is all the information I think would be relevant: EventType : visualstudio8setup     P1 : 10861     P2 : 9.0.30729.01_orcas_x86_net     P3 : pr     P4 : inst     P5 : f     P6 : gencomp350_{168d82f8-ac6b-4b55-804f-2ae51ac4b     P7 : baseret_failureP8 : -     P9 : 1603     P10 : -     [08/27/08,18:34:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: GenericComponent Action: CreateProcess launched with cmd line : C:\DOCUME~1\AKHILE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\30729.01\1033\wcu\dotnetframework\dotnetfx35setup.exe /q /norestart /lang:ENU[08/27/08,18:34:20] BWaitForMSI(): Verifying we're the only installation currently in progress.[08/27/08,18:34:20] BWaitForMSI(): Ready to proceed with installation.  Continuing...[08/27/08,18:36:28] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: C:\DOCUME~1\AKHILE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\30729.01\1033\wcu\dotnetframework\dotnetfx35setup.exe exited with return value 1603[08/27/08,18:36:28] InstallReturnValue: GFN_MID NET Framework Setup, 0x643[08/27/08,18:36:29] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty[08/27/08,18:36:29] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : Error code 1603 for this component means "Fatal error during installation."[08/27/08,18:36:29] Setup.exe: AddGlobalCustomProperty[08/27/08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: ***ERRORLOG EVENT*** : Setup Failed on component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1[08/27/08,18:36:30] Setup.exe: GetGlobalCustomProperty - Property: {BBE1827C-F2FD-4FDA-A6D6-C83B62FFFDCA} - PropertyName: compfailed - Value: 0[08/27/08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Obtained CSetupWatson instance[08/27/08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty()[08/27/08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: ISetupManager::GetGlobalCustomProperty() failed to find global prop in CBaseComponent::GetGlobalCustomProperty()[08/27/08,18:36:30] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: CBaseComponent::LaunchWatson() - Creating a PreReq Watson report with manifest: C:\DOCUME~1\AKHILE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\MAN11F.tmp Following is the relevant stuff already installed on my machine:.NET framework 2.0 SP1.NET framework 3.0 SP1.NET framework 3.5Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition-ENUI tried various threads on this forum without any result. Please help me debug the problem here. Thanks in advanceAkhilesh Gupta   解决方案Hi, Anonymousyly       Please try to temporarily disable the anti-virus software and Windows Update when installing.   Because these might affect the installation process, especially some components like .NET Framework.       Or if you are using a web installation, I suggested you try offline installation instead, you could get the Visual Studio 2008 Express Editions ISO version here.   And for additional information about offline installation, please visit http://www.microsoft.com/express/download/offline.aspx.       If the problem still exists, you know, error 1603 might be caused by many different reasons, so we need the detail setup and error logs to troubleshoot the problem.   Would you please use this collection utility to get the setup and error logs, upload the file %TEMP%\vslogs.cab to some server and provide us the URL?    You could easily sign up 5GB free space at http://skydrive.live.com only with your Live Passport.       Any other questions, just tell me please.          Thanks, Best Regards,Lingzhi  这篇关于Visual C#2008 Express SP1安装失败的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-12 00:34