

我已经尝试将环境变量放在客户机上的/ var / lib / boot2docker / profile文件中,然后重新启动它

I have tried to put my environment variable at /var/lib/boot2docker/profile file at guest machine, and restart it




docker 守护进程源 / var / lib / boot2docker / profile 开始之前。 HTTP_PROXY 变量将在 docker 守护程序环境中可用。通过 ssh 登录的用户将不会看到此变量。

The docker daemon sources /var/lib/boot2docker/profile before starting. The HTTP_PROXY variable will be available in the docker daemons environment. Users logging in via ssh will not see this variable.

任何 /etc/profile.d/ * .sh 文件将在登录时加载到用户个人资料中正如您指出的,每次重新启动后,这将重新设置为基本映像。

Any /etc/profile.d/*.sh files will be loaded into a users profile at login but as you pointed out, this is reset back to the base image after every reboot.

/ var / lib / boot2docker / 目录包含通过重新引导持久化的文件。

The /var/lib/boot2docker/ directory contains the files that are persisted over reboots. The bootlocal.sh will be run at the end of startup. bootsync.sh file will be run before docker.

编辑 / var / lib / boot2docker / bootsync.sh 包含

echo 'export HTTP_PROXY="http://whatever"' > /etc/profile.d/proxy.sh

然后,变量将可用于任何登录之后 docker 已经开始了。

Then the variable will be available for anything that logs in after docker has started for the first time.

○ → docker-machine restart default-docker
○ → docker-machine ssh default-docker
docker@default-docker:~$ echo $HTTP_PROXY


08-12 00:30