


I'm creating my first react-native project with this tutorial: http://facebook.github.io/react-native/

在执行代码和运行 react-native run-android 我得到:

When it comes to executing code and running react-native run-android I am getting:

adb server is out of date.  killing...
* daemon started successfully *


And the app on the android device is obviously not working.

我已经重新安装了SDK,并试图 adb kill-server adb启动服务器,但似乎没有任何作用

I've reinstalled the SDK, tried to adb kill-server and adb start-server, but nothing seems to work

我正在使用Android 4.4和Ubuntu 14.04

I'm using Android 4.4 and Ubuntu 14.04


打开Android Studio,然后更新所有构建工具,安装设备所需的SDK,并确保已设置 ANDROID_HOME env var到与Android Studio中相同的目录(通常在 / home / you / Android / Sdk 中),也会更新react -native-cli节点软件包。运行adb kill服务器和adb 启动服务器

Open Android Studio, and then update all your build tools, install the SDKs that you need for your device and ensure that have you set ANDROID_HOME env var to the same dir that you have in Android Studio (commonly in /home/you/Android/Sdk), also update react-native-cli node package. Run adb kill-server and adb start-server.


Probably you will have problems with adb version, just change your bin:

sudo cp〜/ Android / SDK / platform-tools / adb / usr / bin / adb

sudo chmod + x / usr / bin / adb


08-12 00:16