

我已在 Windows 7 64bit 上安装了 VirtualBox 6.0 Genymotion 3.1.0 (更新版本与其网站上所述的gm不兼容)强>.我已启用vt-x,并且正在运行最新版本的图形驱动程序.

I have installed Genymotion 3.1.0 with VirtualBox 6.0 (updated versions are not compatible with gm as said on their website) on Windows 7 64bit. I have enabled vt-x and am running the latest version of my graphics driver.

启动下载的设备时,出现错误 "player.exe已停止" 错误.(我也尝试过在Virtualbox打开的情况下启动设备)

I get the error "player.exe has stopped" error when I start the device I have downloaded. (I have also tried starting the device with Virtualbox open)


Can someone please help??I have tried the solutions posted on similar outdated questions on SO.


Genymotion 3.1.0不再正式支持Windows 7,因此将来可能无法在Windows上正常使用.话虽如此,您可以尝试清除Genymotion并重新安装它(请参阅 https://support.genymotion.com/hc/zh-CN/articles/360002815177-How-to-uninstall-Genymotion-Desktop-completely-purge- ),或在 https://www.genymotion.com/上试用Genymotion 3.1.1 beta.download-beta/

Genymotion 3.1.0 no longer supports Windows 7 officially, so it may not work correctly with your Windows in the future.That being said, you can either try to purge Genymotion and re-install it (see https://support.genymotion.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002815177-How-to-uninstall-Genymotion-Desktop-completely-purge-) or try out Genymotion 3.1.1 beta at https://www.genymotion.com/download-beta/

测试版与VirtualBox 6.1.X兼容.

The beta version is compatible with VirtualBox 6.1.X.


08-12 00:15