



我有一个运行在Genymotion 2.4中的Android设备(带有Lollipop映像,如果重要的话),并通过Eclipse在本地网络中从另一台开发人员PC通过ADB(版本1.0.32)连接到它,而没有连接问题。除定期断开ADB连接(其他协议保持正常)外,其他一切都很好,这是ADB丢失了设备,当我尝试重新连接时,它说该设备脱机。根据我的经验,这种离线状态基本上意味着接收端(设备)仍然认为它已连接并且拒绝了新连接。我知道解决此问题的唯一方法是重新启动设备,然后ADB按预期方式连接到该设备。

I have an Android device (with Lollipop image, if important) running in Genymotion 2.4 and connect to it via ADB (version 1.0.32) from another developer PC with Eclipse in local network without connectivity problems. All is fine except for periodical drops of ADB connection (other protocols keep working fine), that is ADB loses the device, and when I try to reconnect it says that device is offline. From my experience, this offline status does basically mean that the receiving end (the device) still thinks it's connected and declines new connection. The only method I know to remedy this problem is to restart the device and then ADB connects to it as expected.


If someone is interested, ADB is not running on the remote host machine with Genymotion - otherwise the remove connections from other PCs would be impossible.


The question: how can I refresh "softly" the virtual device to accept new ADB connection without restarting entire device?


P.S. If I leave the "offline" device for its own for some time (quite a long time, for example, for an hour) it seems refreshes its state without external interaction, so ADB is again able to properly connect to and device is reported as "online". But, it makes no sense to wait so long for this to happen. This is just a new piece of information for consideration.



This may not work for you, but has worked for me in the situation where my device simply goes ADB offline. One of the comments on your question mentions that their emulator typically goes offline when their device sleeps. Mine does the same and also goes offline after long periods of inactivity, despite not actually sleeping. Anyway, my fix is plain and simple:


In terminal, navigate to where you have the SDK installed. Then, navigate to the directory platform-tools within your SDK, and issue the following command:

adb kill-server


After that finishes, type this one:

adb devices


That almost always fixes my problem, and I hope it fixes yours as well. Let me know how that works for you.


08-12 00:12