


We've just started looking at using JBehave for acceptance tests and I was wondering how people that are using it are organising the writing of stories and the storage of story files. It's just development that are working on them at the moment so we have the story files stored in the resources folder alongside the Java code to implement them.


I guess my actual question is how and where are you storing your story files and how does this work with the product owner or QA writing stories?


您可以通过在Maven(pom.xml)中进行配置来运行JBehave Stories.

as t0rx told you are lucky to have QA to write stories/scenarios.
coming to your question:
Behaviour-Driven Development encourages you to start defining the stories via scenarios that express the desired behavior in a textual format.
JBehave Stories you can run by configuring in Maven (pom.xml).


You can make a folder for storing your story files in your package structure, like below:




By configuring your stories in maven, every time you build project it will give result with succeeded and failed stories/scenarios results.
QA will update the scenarios in the folder Stories, and the developer will implement the scenarios step by step by omitting existing steps (which are already developed and came in other scenarios).
QA simply run the scenario/story and he will find out the result in a textual (understandable) format.
Like below:

Behaviour-Driven Development in test levels.


Some of the JBehave features concentrate on easy organizing.

  • 基于注释的配置和Steps类规范
  • 依赖注入支持,允许通过您喜欢的容器(Guice, PicoContainer, Spring)组成配置实例和步骤实例.
  • 可扩展的故事报告:输出以不同的人类可读的基于文件的格式(HTML, TXT, XML)执行的故事.完全可样式化的视图.
  • 自动生成挂起的步骤,因此构建不会因缺少的步骤而中断,但可以选择为挂起的步骤配置中断的构建.
  • 用户故事的本地化,允许以任何语言编写.
  • IDE集成:故事可以作为JUnit测试或其他基于注释的单元测试框架运行,从而可以轻松地与您喜欢的IDE集成.
  • Ant集成:允许通过Ant任务运行故事
  • Maven集成:允许故事在给定的构建阶段通过Maven插件运行
  • Annotation-based configuration and Steps class specifications
  • Dependency Injection support allowing both configuration and Steps instances composed via your favourite container (Guice, PicoContainer, Spring).
  • Extensible story reporting: outputs stories executed in different human-readable file-based formats (HTML, TXT, XML). Fully style-able view.
  • Auto-generation of pending steps so the build is not broken by a missing step, but has option to configure breaking build for pending steps.
  • Localisation of user stories, allowing them to be written in any language.
  • IDE integration: stories can be run as JUnit tests or other annotation-based unit test frameworks, providing easy integration with your favourite IDE.
  • Ant integration: allows stories to be run via Ant task
  • Maven integration: allows stories to be run via Maven plugin at given build phase


08-11 23:30