



获取一个n * m矩阵,其中填充了0到1之间的浮点值.

Take a n*m matrix filled with floating point values between 0 and 1.


0    0.5  0    0
0    0.5  1    0.4
0.2  1    0.3  0
0    1    0    0


The goal is to reconstruct the values in this matrix.


I do not have access to this matrix, so I do not know any of its values at the beginning.There is a function to calculate each value, calc_value(m,n). So a simple way to reconstruct this matrix is to call calc_value(m,n) for each value.
But calling this function is a very expensive operation, so I would like to call this function as few times as possible.

我知道矩阵中所有值的总和,以及每一行和每一列中的值之和. (计算这些总和并不比调用calc_value(m,n)更昂贵)

I know the total sum of all values in the matrix, and the sum of values in each individual row and column. (calculating each of these sums is no more expensive than a call to calc_value(m,n))


Using the row and column sums as additional information, how can I fill all values in the matrix with the least amount of calls to calc_value()?


Is it possible with fewer than O(n*m) calls?


There is one additional constraint for the matrix that may help: the values in each row and column will be be monotonous increasing up to a maximum, then monotonous decreasing after that maximum. So a single row could look like this:

0 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.5 0


0 1 0 1 0 1


e.g. more than one distinct local maximum is not allowed


This is the status of my own attempts:


So far I discovered the following inequalities. For a given value of the matrix M(n,m):

M(n,m) <= Min ( sum_of_row_n, sum_of_column_m)
M(n,m) >= sum_of_row_n - sum_of_all_columns_except_m
M(n,m) >= sum_of_column_m - sum_of_all_rows_except_n


But these inequalities do not provide enough information to deduce the value M(n,m), except for some trivial cases.


根据您的描述,您的矩阵似乎具有m * n个自由度.范围和单调性约束不会降低自由度.每个总和(行,列,总数)都会除去一个自由度-直到达到(m-1)*(n-1)度. (由于所有行总和与所有列总和等于总和,因此您只能利用这些约束的m + n-1).

From what you describe it seems that your matrix has m*n degrees of freedom. The range and monotonicity constraints do not reduce the degrees of freedom. Each sum (row, column, total) removes one degree of freedom - until (m-1)*(n-1) degrees have been reached. (Since the sum of all row sums and the sum of all column sums equals the total sum you can only exploit m+n-1 of these constraints).


So with the given information all you can do is:

    计算矩阵元素a_ij,1 <= i <i. m,1< = j< n与calc_value(i,j)
  1. 通过行/列总和属性计算每个行/列和a_mn的缺失元素
  1. calculate the matrix elements a_ij, 1 <= i< m, 1 <=j < n with calc_value(i,j)
  2. compute the missing element of each row/column and a_mn via the row/col sum properties


08-11 23:11