


I'm having trouble running a Friedman test over my data.I'm trying to run a Friedman test using this command:

friedman.test(mean ~ isi | expId, data=monoSum)


> monoSum
   expId isi  N       mean
1  m80B1   1 10 100.000000
2  m80B1   2 10  73.999819
3  m80B1   3 10  45.219362
4  m80B1   4 10 116.566174
.   .     .   .          .
18 m80L2   2 10  82.945491
19 m80L2   3 10  57.675480
20 m80L2   4 10 207.169277
.    .     .  .   .      .
25 m80M2   1 10 100.000000
26 m80M2   2 10  49.752687
27 m80M2   3 10  19.042592
28 m80M2   4 10 150.411035


Error in friedman.test.default(c(100, 73.9998193095267, 45.2193621626293,  :
not an unreplicated complete block design

我认为它给出了错误,因为当 monoSum$isi==1 的值总是 100.这是正确的吗?

I figure it gives the error because, when monoSum$isi==1 the value of mean is always 100. Is this correct?

然而,monoSum$isi==1 总是 100,因为它是所有其他 monoSum$isi 组在其上标准化的控制组.我不能假设正态分布,所以我不能运行 rmANOVA…有没有办法对这些数据进行弗里德曼测试,还是我在这里遗漏了一个非常重要的点?

However, monoSum$isi==1 is alway 100 because it is the control group on which all the other monoSum$isi groups are normalized. I can not assume a normal distribution, so I cannot run a rmANOVA…Is there a way to run a friedman test on this data or am I missing a very essential point here?




I don't get an error if I run your dataset:

   Friedman rank sum test

   data:  mean and isi and expId
   Friedman chi-squared = 17.9143, df = 3, p-value = 0.0004581

但是,您必须确保将 expIdisi 编码为因子.运行这些命令:

However, you have to make sure that expId and isi are coded as factors. Run these commands:



Then run the test again. This has worked for me with a similar problem.


08-11 22:57