我试图在执行命令后关闭 db2cmd.目标是在我使用任务调度程序安排它每天在 2100 小时运行之前让这个文件完美.批处理文件开始执行命令,命令被执行但提示没有关闭.
I am trying to close the db2cmd after executing a command. Goal is to get this file perfect before I schedule it with a task scheduler to run everyday at 2100 hours. The batch file starts execution of the command, the command gets executed but the prompt doesn't close.
I have been through the below links but no combination is working.
How to close the command line window after running a batch file?
How to automatically close cmd window after batch file execution?
这是我的简短脚本开始 C:"Program Files"IBMSQLLIBBINdb2cmdadmin.exe "db2 -tvf D:stats.sql > D:stats.output"
该命令有效,但提示在完成后仍保持打开状态.我试过做 -
"&& 退出 0",
下一行中的exit 0",
"启动 db2cmdadmin "db2 -tvf D:stats.sql > D:stats.output""
The command works but the prompt remains open after completion. I have tried doing -
"&& exit 0",
"exit 0" in the next line,
"exit" in the next line,
"start db2cmdadmin "db2 -tvf D:stats.sql > D:stats.output""
But nothing closes the prompt. How can I correct this?
您可能希望将命令行开关 /c
You probably want to add the command line switch /c
to your command
start C:"Program Files"IBMSQLLIBBINdb2cmdadmin.exe /c "db2 -tvf D:stats.sql > D:stats.output"
作为 手册中有说明.
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