本文介绍了使用javascript进行必需的Fileupload验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 嗨朋友们, 我有一个带控件的网页。这是一个注册表。 在这里,我想用javascript验证上传控件。 我想要只上传除这些之外的PDF文件。 这是我的Javascript代码。 < script 类型 = text / javascript > 函数Validate(){ var txt1 = document.getElementById('TxtName'); var txt2 = document.getElementById('DDLReason'); var txt3 = document.getElementById('DDLCondition'); var uploadfile = document.getElementById('FileUploadTurnInRequest'); if(txt1.value =='') { alert('Please enter Name'); 返回false; } if(uploadfile.value =='') { alert('请上传附件'); 返回false; } if(document.getElementById('<% = DDLReason.ClientID %> ')。selectedIndex == 0) { alert(请选择原因); 返回false; } if(document.getElementById('<% = DDLcondition.ClientID %> ')。selectedIndex == 0) { alert(请选择条件); 返回false; } 其他 {返回确认('你确定,你要提交?')} } < / script > 按钮 ------ < asp:ImageButton ID = btnUpdate runat = server CausesValidation = true ImageUrl = 〜/ User / Images / Submit1 .png宽度= 180px 高度= 40px OnClientClick = javascript:return Validate() onclick = btnUpdate_Click /> 在这里,我需要使用Javascript进行验证,仅用于上传PDF文件。 请帮助解决方案 功能验证(thisform) { with(thisform ) { if (validateFileExtension(file, valid_msg, 仅允许使用pdf文件!, new 数组( pdf))== false ) { return false ; } if (validateFileSize(file, 1048576 , valid_msg, 文件大小应小于1MB!)== false ) { 返回 false ; } } } how-to-validate-upload-file-size-and-file-extension-using-javascript / [ ^ ] how-do-i-validate-the-file-type-of-file-upload [ ^ ] var uploadfile = document.getElementById(' FileUploadTurnInRequest'); if (uploadfile。 value .match(/ pdf /)|| uploadfile。 value .match(/ PDF Hi Friends,I have a webpage with controls in it. This is a registration form.Here, i want to validate Upload control using javascript.I want to upload only PDF Files not other than these.This is my Javascript code.<script type="text/javascript"> function Validate() { var txt1 = document.getElementById('TxtName'); var txt2 = document.getElementById('DDLReason'); var txt3 = document.getElementById('DDLCondition'); var uploadfile = document.getElementById('FileUploadTurnInRequest'); if(txt1.value == '') { alert('Please enter Name'); return false; } if(uploadfile.value == '') { alert('Please upload the attachment'); return false; }if(document.getElementById('<%=DDLReason.ClientID%>').selectedIndex == 0){alert("Please Select Reason");return false;}if(document.getElementById('<%=DDLcondition.ClientID%>').selectedIndex == 0){alert("Please Select Condition");return false;} else { return confirm('Are you Sure, you want to Submit ?') } } </script>Button------<asp:ImageButton ID="btnUpdate" runat="server" CausesValidation="true" ImageUrl="~/User/Images/Submit1.png" Width="180px" Height="40px" OnClientClick="javascript:return Validate()" onclick="btnUpdate_Click"/>Here, Just i need Validation using Javascript, Only to Upload PDF Files.Please help 解决方案 function validation(thisform){ with(thisform) { if(validateFileExtension(file, "valid_msg", "pdf files are only allowed!", new Array("pdf")) == false) { return false; } if(validateFileSize(file,1048576, "valid_msg", "Document size should be less than 1MB !")==false) { return false; } }} how-to-validate-upload-file-size-and-file-extension-using-javascript/[^] how-do-i-validate-the-file-type-of-a-file-upload[^]try this:-var uploadfile = document.getElementById('FileUploadTurnInRequest');if (uploadfile .value.match(/pdf/) || uploadfile .value.match(/PDF 这篇关于使用javascript进行必需的Fileupload验证的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-23 01:08