

我尝试使用 Modelica 在 Twinbuilder 中对液压系统进行建模.但是我总是遇到错误,我认为这与收敛问题有关.为了理解问题是什么,我将我的系统简化为动态管道、固定边界和扫描体积,其运动将由正弦函数给出.但是在这种简化的情况下,我仍然遇到错误.即使收到警告,我也能够编译模型.当我尝试求解模型时,.它没有解决.我想问一下你对这个问题有什么建议吗?



在 Hochdruckreiniger3_1 上进入初始化模式时发生错误.



残差函数评估在1"的初始点失败来自 Hochdruckreiniger3_1:雅可比评估在1"的初始点失败来自 Hochdruckreiniger3_1:未能在1"中的事件迭代中找到一致的解决方案,0 在 0.0000000000000000E+000来自 Hochdruckreiniger3_1:残差函数评估在3"的初始点失败#r171#"来自 Hochdruckreiniger3_1:初始化失败.


模型 Hochdruckreiniger3//声明真实 V_max = 0.000003;真实 V_tod = 0.000002;实际圆周率 = 3.14;真实 N = 2800;//组件)Modelica.Fluid.Machines.SweptVolume Swept1 (活塞横截面积 = 0.0001131,间隙 = 0.00000250621,重新声明包 Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.StandardWater,nPorts = 1,use_portsData = 真,use_T_start = true,T_start = 293.15);内部 Modelica.Fluid.System 系统;Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Sources.Position Posit1 (exact = true, useSupport = false);Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine Sine1 (振幅 = 0.005567,频率Hz = 46.72,偏移量 = 0.005567,相位 = -pi/2);Modelica.Fluid.Sources.FixedBoundary 边界(p = 4e5,重新声明包Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.StandardWater,nPorts = 1);Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.DynamicPipe pipe1 (长度 = 0.5,直径 = 0.03,重新声明包 Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.StandardWater,modelStructure = Modelica.Fluid.Types.ModelStructure.av_b);方程//连接连接(Posit1.flange,Swept1.flange);连接(Sine1.y,Posit1.s_ref);连接(pipe1.port_b,Swept1.ports[1]);连接(边界.端口[1],pipe1.port_a);结束 Hochdruckreiniger3;

Dymola 在您的模型中显示两个错误:

  1. pi 必须是 constantparameter 以符合 phase 中参数的可变性代码>正弦块.顺便说一下,参考 Modelica.Constants.pi 是一种很好的做法.
  2. swept1 中设置 use_portsData = true 但不提供任何端口数据.


I try to model a hydraulic system in Twinbuilder with Modelica. But I get always errors which I think has to do with convergence problem. To understand what the problem is, I simplified my system to a dynamic pipe, fixed boundary, and swept volume whose movement will be given by a sinus function. But I still get an error in this simplified case. I am able to compile the model even though I get warnings. When I try to solve the model,. It is not solved. I want to ask if you give me a suggestion on this problem?

This is block diagramm of the model

Errors which I get when I try to solve the model are as follows:

The code is as follows:

model Hochdruckreiniger3
    Real V_max = 0.000003;
    Real V_tod = 0.000002;
    Real pi = 3.14;
    Real N = 2800;
    Modelica.Fluid.Machines.SweptVolume Swept1 (
        pistonCrossArea = 0.0001131,
        clearance = 0.00000250621,
        redeclare package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.StandardWater,
        nPorts = 1,
        use_portsData = true,
        use_T_start = true,
        T_start = 293.15);
    inner Modelica.Fluid.System system;
    Modelica.Mechanics.Translational.Sources.Position Posit1 (exact = true, useSupport = false);
    Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine Sine1 (
        amplitude = 0.005567,
        freqHz = 46.72,
        offset = 0.005567,
        phase = -pi/2);
    Modelica.Fluid.Sources.FixedBoundary boundary (p = 4e5, redeclare package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.StandardWater, nPorts = 1);
    Modelica.Fluid.Pipes.DynamicPipe pipe1 (
        length = 0.5,
        diameter = 0.03,
        redeclare package Medium = Modelica.Media.Water.StandardWater,
        modelStructure = Modelica.Fluid.Types.ModelStructure.av_b);


    connect(Posit1.flange, Swept1.flange);
    connect(Sine1.y, Posit1.s_ref);
    connect(pipe1.port_b, Swept1.ports[1]);
    connect(boundary.ports[1], pipe1.port_a);
end  Hochdruckreiniger3;


Dymola shows two errors in you model:

  1. pi must be a constant or parameter to comply with the variability of the parameter phase in the sine block. By the way, it is good practice to refer to Modelica.Constants.pi.
  2. in swept1 you set use_portsData = true but don´t provide any port data.

Fixing these two issues, the model simulates but warns you about initial values not being explicitly set.


08-11 21:42