


Display the images horizontally in a ViewPager.


ScaleAnimation 类应用于被点击的要放大的项目.可以在ViewPager的PagerAdapter的instantiateItem()方法中完成.

此外,还有一些现成可用的开源窗口小部件,例如 CoverFlow FancyCoverFlow .您可能想查看源代码以查看它们如何工作.

Also, there are some ready-to-use open source widgets available like CoverFlow and FancyCoverFlow. You might want to check out the source code to see how they work.


Firstly, regarding your question of how to handle an unknown number of images, you should realize that in all such widgets (ListView, GridView, ViewPager etc.), the number of objects coming from the API is always unknown at first, i.e. it becomes known when then API response is received. So if you first implement a ViewPager in the normal way, you will see how this is handled. Basically you have to use an Adapter and a model object to populate the ViewPager or ListView. The API response will be either JSON or XML, and after parsing it, you will know the exact number of items.


So I think you should start with first implementing a ViewPager in the normal way. There are any number of examples available for this. Two interesting ones are this one and this one. They are interesting for your case because they also contain example code of how to enlarge the image.


Now coming to the second problem: how do we enlarge the image. To do this, one way is to use the ScaleAnimation class. For example, say you want to enlarge an image by 100% around its center:

ScaleAnimation scaleAnimation =  new ScaleAnimation(1.0f, 1.5f,
                                                    1.0f, 1.5f,
                                                        Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f,
                                                        Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f);

scaleAnimation.setInterpolator(new AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator());



I would use this code on the image in the instantiateItem() method of the ViewPager's PagerAdapter. This should work. Or you can try the zoom animation approach in one of the two previous examples.


I'm afraid you'll have to try to create a working project using these examples as a guide. Then we can further discuss any other problems you face. I'm sure that this can be done quite easily, and I know you can do it. Best ...


As per the two examples that you have given, have you seen this and this? Is that what you're looking for ? And does it bring you any closer to solving the problem ?


08-11 21:28