



我正在使用GWT 2.4.我有一个建议箱",在某些情况下我需要隐藏建议列表.上下文如下.

I am using GWT 2.4. I have a Suggestbox and I have a requirement to hide the suggestion list under certain cases. The context is as below.


After user selects a suggestion from suggestion list, I am populating two other text box fields, with values corresponding to the selection. For example, suppose the suggestbox contains user-names, and user selects a user-name from suggestions, then other two fields, say user address and email are populated in two other text boxes. These two fields are read only now. Then user clicks on an 'Edit' button. Now the user can edit either user- name ( ie edit in suggestion box), user address and email. It doesn't make sense to show the suggestions again when the user is editing the user-name, since the user has already selected the user and decided to edit it. In a nutshell my SuggesBox should behave as a normal text box. I tried following code, (I know hideSuggestionList() is deprecated) but its not working.



Reading the javadoc for hideSuggestionList() it is said that, "Deprecated. use DefaultSuggestionDisplay.hideSuggestions() instead". I don't know how to use DefaultSuggestionDisplay, and I'm using SuggestBox with 'MultiWordSuggestOracle'.



您可以做的就是,当用户单击编辑"时,将"SuggestationBox"与普通的文本框"交换,然后在关闭"时返回.另外,因为如果您要隐藏建议列表,它仍然会从服务器中查询.通过交换小部件,您不必担心副作用. SuggestionBox本身也使用了一个TextBox,因此对于用户而言,该窗口小部件已更改是不可见的.

What you can do is simply swap the SuggestionBox with a normal TextBox when the user clicks edit and back when edit is closed. Also because if you would hide the suggestions list, it still queried from the server. By swapping the widget you don't have to care about side effects. SuggestionBox itself uses also a TextBox and thus for the user it's not visible the widget has changed.


08-11 20:10