In previous versions I could do:
name: 'Search',
remote: '/search?query=%QUERY'
不过,由于 0.10
But since the 0.10
update, typeahead.js is asking us to define source
which I cannot make to work. How do I define remote without having to define a dataset function?
Typeahead.js version 0.10.0 now uses a separate component called a suggestion engine for providing the suggestion data. The suggestion engine which ships with Typeahead.js is called Bloodhound.
Hence you cannot "define remote without having to define a dataset function".
这与远程数据源(我查询TheMovieDb API,尝试搜索外星人为例)工作的一个例子可以在这里找到:
An example of this working with a remote data source (I'm querying the TheMovieDb API, try searching for "Aliens" for example) can be found here:
// Instantiate the Bloodhound suggestion engine
var movies = new Bloodhound({
datumTokenizer: function (datum) {
return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(datum.value);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
remote: {
url: 'http://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?query=%QUERY&api_key=470fd2ec8853e25d2f8d86f685d2270e',
filter: function (movies) {
// Map the remote source JSON array to a JavaScript object array
return $.map(movies.results, function (movie) {
return {
value: movie.original_title
// Initialize the Bloodhound suggestion engine
// Instantiate the Typeahead UI
$('.typeahead').typeahead(null, {
// Use 'value' as the displayKey because the filter function
// returns suggestions in a javascript object with a variable called 'value'
displayKey: 'value',
source: movies.ttAdapter()
Note how the filter function allows you to choose what you want to use as a typeahead suggestion from a non-trivial JSON data source.
For those that are using the newer version of typeahead, a working example based off the original question can be found here:
With respect to Typeahead 0.10.0, the new version (0.11.1) has the following differences:
- 过滤器功能已更名为改造。
- 不需要调用初始化警犬对象上,我们也不需要调用ttAdapter(其分配到远程数据源时)。
- 现在,需要指定远程哈希选项中的通配符(例如%查询)。