


I'm trying to extract the value of a node from a pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


I need to extract the artifactId and version from the XML using a shell command. I have the following requirements/observations:

  1. shell脚本将在我们使用的构建程序集文件中完成,因此脚本越小越好.
  2. 由于它将在多个系统(通常是RHEL5)上使用,因此我正在寻找可以在默认图像上本机运行的东西.
  3. 类似的标签可以出现在pom的其他位置,所以我不能简单地awk这些标签.


  1. xpath 在我的Mac上可用,但默认情况下在RHEL计算机上不可用.同样,对于xmllint --xpath,我猜它只能在xmllint的更高版本中使用,而我没有也不能执行.
  2. xmllint --pattern 似乎很有希望,但我似乎无法从xmllint --pattern '//project/parent/version' pom.xml(打印整个XML)或xmllint --stream --pattern '//project/parent/version' pom.xml(无输出)中得到输出.
  1. xpath works on my Mac, but isn't available by default on RHEL machines. Similarly for xmllint --xpath, which I guess is only available on later versions of xmllint, which I don't have and can't enforce.
  2. xmllint --pattern seemed promising, but I can't seem to get an output out of xmllint --pattern '//project/parent/version' pom.xml (prints entire XML) or xmllint --stream --pattern '//project/parent/version' pom.xml (no output).

我意识到这是SO上的一个常见问题,但是以上几点是为什么我不能使用这些答案的原因. TIA为您提供帮助.

I realize this is a common question here on SO, but the points above are why I can't use those answers. TIA for your help.


我已经设法使用xmllint --shell这个相当不明智的脚本暂时解决了该问题.

I've managed to solve it for the time being with this rather unwiedly script using xmllint --shell.

echo "cat //project/parent/version" | xmllint --shell pom.xml | sed '/^\/ >/d' | sed 's/<[^>]*.//g'


If the XML nodes have namespace attributes like my pom.xml had, things get heavier, basically extracting the node by name:

echo "cat //*[local-name()='project']/*[local-name()='parent']/*[local-name()='version']" | xmllint --shell pom.xml | sed '/^\/ >/d' | sed 's/<[^>]*.//g'


Hope it helps. If anyone can simply these expressions, I'd be grateful.


10-21 23:48